I'll be away from duty, both on and offline for a while. I'll be getting my wisdom teeth cut/drilled/pulled out tomorrow. Was supposed to get it done when I was 16, but never did. Now it's supposed to be very painful and take a very long time to recover from. This is what I get for procrastinating.
If I can I'll be online in a few days, but I can't make any promises. If I am on I won't be up to snuff, they're giving me drugs for pain
See you lads in a few... :ninja:
Well, good luck and feel better.
Good luck man, try not to kill the dental assistant she might be pretty:P
I remember you where drugged up on pain killers from dental surgery when I first met you on TG#1. You have not impressed me with tactical skill so much since hehehe.
Good luck and get well soon!
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
enjoy the broken jaw !!!
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Merge drugged up on pain killers from dental surgery when you are getting your wisdom teeth removed isn’t the reel killer. Naaa it is the infection that you will get in the mouth after worth that is the Bugger :sick: . There is always like a 80 % chance that this will happen…..(in your age). So Merge enjoy your weekend and the next weeks to com.
But then again, there isn’t anything whisky cant cure. (and for this I think that it is perfekt) :eek: :eek:
Time for Extreme Makeover in the SAS. I had my tonsiles removed may years too late last week, and have a happy sick leave with tons of painkillers...
Good luck, Merge. Have no mercy, feel no pain. If whisky can't cure it, I am afraid it is lethal.
im Told that Whiskey can cure that too Rouge
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Yeah I had that done a while back, wasn't nearly as bad as it sounded.
You'll feel fine after about a day, possibly two if you are slow. Then you will still have a little pain where the teeth were for a couple of weeks. You just have to eat easy things for a while but you will feel fine.
Good luck, I hope they take the right teeth out. I dont want to worry you with all the stories of them taking the wrong teeth out.
Hope it isn not to pain ful and you have a fast recovery.