This mod expands Raven Shield by adding new features such as laser sights, modded weapons & tactical lights. The UG team was kind enough to let me do a preview of their 1.3 alpha for 1.60 RvS mod which is not out at the moment."
It addresses a common complaint. The restriction that only allows one piece of hardware to be attached to a weapon, forcing you to, for example, choose between a sound suppressor and a telescopic sight for the G3 rifle.
"some guns can handle more attachments then other. The Famas for example can handle most of them which include:
* Silencers
* High-cap mags
* Scope
* Thermal vision"
"You can find the Steyr Aug Sniper System under sniper rifles as it has been limited to single-shot & equipped with a sniper scope. Secondary weapons include the Benelli M3T Shorty which is a shot gun designed to breach wooden doors with only 1 shot. We also have a modified PDW as a secondary."
They have also included an incindiary grenade: AN-M14 TH3. Will we see now skins with terrorists running around on fire? Probably, if history is a teacher.
It is an Alpha version and is still glitchy, but looks interesting. I mourn the lack of gun mods like the NATO mods for Rogue Spear and Rainbow Six. Anyway, here's the link for you brave souls who don't mind reinstalling RvS, lol.
that sounds sweet!!
nice found
hmm that review is from 2006, but it looks like development is back up on it:
That has to be the best sigblock they could choose haha.!/ seems to be offline tho
It's online... just remove the ! if needed
/* needs glasses */
It may be an old review, but I trusted the heading which read items were from the last two weeks.