I hate the month of June. 100 percent hate it even if it's my birthday. Every single stinking thing that can go wrong in my life happens on this month (family woes such as deaths, machines crapping out, even someone trying to press a lawsuit against me.) So it's no surprise that June 6 of this year my computer's BIOS chip just well... chooses to fry and die. My folks had already considered on what to get me for a birthday gift before my old computer's BIOS chaos and had me lay out the specs of a machine I wanted and bought one for me. So I'm back up and running and using a wireless G card finaly (I. HATE. B. CARDS!)
Another bit is that my father has just recently had a heart attack on June 29th and went though a, so far, successful heart bypass surgery. He's doing well and I've been spending a lot of time with him these past few days.
I miss playing on the TG server of SWAT and I may get to play a few SWAT rounds on saturday nights when I'm not busy taking care of my father.
Glad your fathersdoing well, our parants take care of us for years but some times they need some help too.
I know what you mean about June, but thats usually for the reasons of my birthday (06-20-88) and fathers day.
Hmm maybe its just in America that June sucks, in Denmark June is quite nice.
I hope your father will have a quick recovery, I know that these things are not always so easy to come through, it's a big chock for the person and the whole family.
Anyways see you around smoothies.
Thanks Spidey and Recon. Saturday they dismissed him from the hosipital and he's recovering ok so far.
Never trust a hermit with your cookie.
Nothing ever happen to me in june at least not yet....... i think i made a recored for my family on that mounth