October 3rd

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Last seen: 15 years 3 months ago
October 3rd

Correct me if im Wrong but i belive there are some america's which are around here and i think what im about to post up might Mean something to them, Im posting now cause i will be Away till Sunday so ill miss the Date in which this should of been posted.

This Friday will be October 3rd
On October 3rd 1993 American Task Force Rangers Teams and 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta commenly known as Delta where involed in a Operation which should of been Simple, 2 Black Hawk HeliCopters Where shot down After the Operation became More Complicated then it Was planned Eighteen American soldiers died and 73 were wounded i personally will take a Minute Silence in Respect of the Soldiers who died trying to restore Peace and many of my friends are doing the same.

Even though all of the Soldiers 2 of that 18 Dead where Awarded the Medal of Honor for there Actions

SFC Randy Shughart
MSG Gary Gordon

Who lost there Lives Defending the 2nd Crash Site even though they knew help wouldnt be quick.

Im posting this because America saw that they where doing something right for Somalia, If anyone has a problem with me posting this i would prefare u not cause "Flamming" in this thread as i see it as a Importance to remember these soldiers For There actions.

If i have missed anything important out or "Mis-Interprited" Any of the text above pm me and i will change it.


Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago

Rest in Pace, brave soldiers.