Hey all.
Ok so i have finally sobered up, chased my girlfriend up for the footage and throw together a little video with the fireworks.
Now these are NOT the Sydney Harbor fireworks. These are from Darling Harbor, which is the next one over, so they are alot smalled but still pretty nice.
The show went for 15min but iv cut it down to about 4min.
Hope you enjoy and if you have any video yourself, post it up!
Train Hard - Fight Easy
Those were some sick Fireworks, great show. In Panama, people light up Firecrackers for 30-45 minutes straight once it's Christmas Day. Never seen anything like that though
Awesome fireworks - thank you, Jakub
The fireworks here was hidden by fog and rain...
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
thanks guys, the Aus day firworks are in about 2 weeks, last yr they were much much better then the NYE ones, including an F-111 dump and burn over the harbour.
Cant wait till those!
We aussies love are fireworks
Train Hard - Fight Easy
Cool clip there,
Haven't seen any like that in a while.
Great video jakub!
Looks like it was warm and cosy down there too hehe
Nice video Jakub.
I love fireworks, to bad they have started to make it illegal in Norway. Well, home use anyway. And thats where the fun is...hehe
I remember when they did that where I live in the US Ambu, every one was driving across the state border to buy them and driving back (illegally) with the fireworks in the truck xD.
I think most of the neighbors were still outside shooting off fireworks on the Holidays, even if they were banned state wide due to peoples 'incompetent safety' practices and outlawed in the complex any way hehe.
Some laws don't last forever
oh ya they are illigal here to, but a few still do the rounds.
i think there is one part of Aus where you can get them but they are trying to make it illigal.
either way, here are some clips i found of the Sydney harbor bridge fireworks, check out the end! (from the last 1min but the last 30sec the sky is just blowing up!)
might go see those next year, they were about 20-30min walk from where we were, problem is a lot of people go and even though its bigger, your not as close.
Oh and apparently, those fireworks cost $200, 000 a minuet, it went for about 13min
Train Hard - Fight Easy
I keep Ney Years Eve in Sydney in mind for my 40th birthday...
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"