hi all. I am new to the forum but I am not new to SWAT 4.
I am currently a Crack Babies (United States) clan 1st Lieutenant. Anyway Crack Babies is a clan that emphasizes on Less Lethal Coop playing, so I'd hope to play a few round of Lethal Coop weapon in your server.
Watched a few video clips over youtube about SAS. That's is the reason that brought me here. From the SAS introduction page, I've found out that this is a clan that look forward to some high quality and mature players, so before start playing in the server, I am expecting some professional players in the server.
However, there are still many rules and regulations I am not familiar with. Would really appreciate it if you can remind me in a friendly way
Can't wait to play in the server, I guess that's all
My tag in the game is {CB}Han{1Lt}
allow me to use my clan tag as I respect SAS and at the same time CB.
G'day Sorrow if you love coop then you should also consider buying Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: RavenShield, last i checked Ravenshield was only $7.50 USD on Steam.
Hope to see you in-game soon and Welcome to the forum
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Howdy there Sorrow and Welcome to ya, See ya in the game.
Hi Sorrow. If you are looking for SWAT4 gaming, it would be great if you could share your Xfire name with us, or sign up for Xfire and post your information here. It will be easier for you to catch up with us that way.
Our Xfire IDs are in the Navigation Bar to the left under About Us>The Mighty.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Hi Sorrow, u can leave your xf here -> http://www.sasclan.org/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=3723
so we can contact u.
We dont have a dedic. swat server atm, but sometimes we host one with our own rigs...
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment