Hi, I just Registard and I can't find a link to join the SAS team.
I would like to try out.
I have almost all PC games available in the US, so I can tryout on any game you want.
I have played online with JB and others (don't recall the name).
How do I apply for membership?
Hello Flashover,
Nice to meet you. I too, as of yet, have not had my tryout, though I have been playing on the servers for quite some time. For a tryout, I believe Raven Shield is the game you will need to practice with. Hope to see you in the servers real soon.
Here is the link for an application: http://www.sasclan.org/modules.php?name=Join
Get in that Training Server!!
thx merge for helping him out, we currently recruit in raven shield and swat3/4.
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.