Congratulations to Cpls Rasa and Spidey on their promotions to SNCO in the roles of SSM!!
(The MIghty page will reflect the rank of Sgt, whilst our illustrious webslinger, Captain WIZ saves the day and sorts out the blocks for the SSM rank to display properly.)
Both former Cpls have shown aptitude for training members and recruits alike. They will be tasked with assisting our acting RSM Rouge in his acceleration of the training process. Mind you this is not a departure from our current SOPs and tactics, but an increased intensity toward training completion and development of LCpls and below who need to become strong Cpls who have the potential to move up to SNCO and beyond as the need arises.
Thus far, these fine gentlemen have done an outstanding job for [SAS] and its membership. I wish them both continued success.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Agreed, well done gentlemen and congrats!
Thank you I hope lol..
I think I need a strong drink
I am glad for the both of you, and i expect you to excel in your new roles, you have a heavy weights on your shoulders now, do not let them push you down
Congratz, spidey!!
Once more, thank you for allowing me the chance to prove myself even futher in [SAS].
Speed Agression Surprise (today a lot of the latter)
Congrats to both of you... Rasa and Spidey.
Congrats Guys
Well deserved, indeed
Now i just gotta make a kennel to put you 2 in
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Woof, woof!
Yeah... congrats to you two too ... well done ... well deserved ... so lets have a little promotion party
... if rouge brings the tea ... spidey the cookies ... maybe Sara can please us with some little arias ... 
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
Congratulations Spidey and Rasa.
Congradulations to both of you... Strong SSM's are needed to help the RSM bring his visions to fruition...
SSM_Rasa (SWAT) and SSM_Spidey (RVS) are two very fine choices and I think that our 3 Senior Ranking SNCO's will do a fine job of uniting the team and bringing us out of darkness.
Way to go Gents.... Pick up the [SAS] Dagger and Push Forward.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
Congratulations you two...
Congratulations guys. Good job!
Woa another excellent new!!! Congratz to all!
"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view
This is a glorious day for SAS 22 EVR. Now we have a strong team of good dedicated players so this clan can move forward again.
VERY well diserved both of you.
The wet dream of any acting RSM: One American spider and one Belgian in a dress as SSMs.
We will do what it takes to get the train moving again.
Congrets to all from the Ghost.
Well deserved to yall.
Congratulations to you both!

Swat_Lukas Coop Generation Veteran