HIHO! all SAS members and friends its Ben From SWAT 4, U can find me on the SAS proving ground servers almost everyday. From Georgia, US. Im 16 still a student in school as an average joe. About my life: I've traveled to some places during life so far. Was born in Georgia, US, moved to Okinawa Japan cause my father was stationed there due to his career in the army. After 6 years of joy we moved back the USA in to the state known as California on the west coast. Spent 3 years in the beutiful area then my dad retired and we moved back to Georgia and are now staying here for a while. If you interested my father worked with sattelite communications as his career in the army. I find your servers interesting of you out smart the game with your amazing tactics which makes me want to play SWAT 4 everyday now and i cant' stop. ;P In my future I'm going to join the army due to my experience through visiting military bases a lot as a young boy and even today so these tactics will familierize me and possibly help. Thx to SAS members i have improved on SWAT 4 and still improving I appreciate it very much. Thank you if you read this message. CHEERS! and I'm looking forward to seeing some of you online.
mikxter K_O
mikxter K_O
Hi there, Mike (known as Ben)!
Glad you found your way to the homepage, too - the way to the server you know blind after that long time...
Thank you for your detailed introduction.
WELCOME on forum and servers
And yes - we read every post here - even if it's a typical one from Medic in ChitChat about girls and stuff...
Maybe you wanna change your SWAT-nickname to Mike?
So long, Mike - see you on the server.
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Hey Mike,
Welcome to the forums and servers
Cya on the forums and servers
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Hey there Ben (Mike)
Good to see you made it to the forums
It's always a joy playing swat with you, and looking forward to lots of games in the future!
Howdy there Mike and Welcome to ya, Visit the RVS side some if ya get the chance, there is a Light side to the Dark side there,lol, Maybe will see ya in the game.
Ahh, so you made it after all! Welcome to the forums :-D.
Looks like we're practically neighbores, lol.
Hey Mike/Ben,
welcome to the forum and servers!!
Your reputation precedes you, hehe, so i hope you stay active
Those who believe to be something, have stopped to become something
Welcome to the forums and servers Mike (Ben)
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
Howdy Mike
Welcome to the forum.
Welcome to the servers and the forums, Mike
Join the Dark side! We have cookies!
Welcome to the forums mike!
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Hello Welcome to the forums/website and servers
hope to have some rounds wiv ya
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