Todays Training on TG 1 went well.......and it got me thinking.....why dont we have a new video game that would allow the SAS to develop tactics for open terrain maps like the ones in BF2 or Americas Army
What do you think ????????????
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Personally I like a choice a game with both. ArmA or OFP2 would be awesome... but finding a game that can combine the tactical properties of Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six (both part I's) in one game would rock.
Armed Assault really isnt finished yet
Americas Army is much more CQB than it used to be
But BF2 is a posibility, the squad i belong to play BF2: Project Reality, you should give it a look, anyone from the SAS is more than welcome to join my squads server.
Blackwater tell your Project Reality mates to stop kicking me then cos i give out tactical advise. lol
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Hah, which server are you getting kicked from?
SWAT4's lack of real objectives is boring enough let along BF2's infinate lets take that next hill death march.
project reality is different to normal BF2, it has an Assault And Secure method of play, where key positions can give you increased armour support, air support etc, its a combined arms game that is getting more realistic with each release.
Plus, there are british forces in it, which actually use British Army weapons.
Reap Tell me more about the British Army Gear in BF2
and how i can get detail the IP number for the BF2 server of your clan just tell them not to kick me
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Yes Spidey Ghost Recon is a great game .........i would like to see in the clan a game that would incorporate soldiering so we could maybe have two wings of the clan a CRW wing and a Squadron of Hard core highly trained soldiers for the clan
Snipers Recommendations for new game - BF2, Ghost Recon, Delta Force TFD, Americas Army.

Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Delta Force Task Force Dagger is to old, Black Hawk Down, Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre, and eXtreme have all ready followed it.
Personally I think Delta Force Land Warrior was best, but most people still play Delta Force 2, last I checked (2006) there was like 50 pages of servers.
Well sniper, if memory serves me correctly.
SA80 Iron Sights
SA80 with H&K UGL
Diamaco C8
P228 Pistol
LAW-80 (without the 9mm spotting scope because the developers are idiots
think thats all the kit, plus youve got the gucci skins such as the shaven head SAS guy with his sunglasses on etc.
Youve also got the vehicles which are the Apache, Land Rover (with M2 Browning and passenger GPMG), SAXON vehicle with GPMG turret. And then theres the merlin helicopter.
And if youre looking at Delta Force:BHD, why not look at Joint Operations? i played that game for 3 years and still go back occassionally to pull off 2km sniper kills with an M82.
Sniper, search for mwh in the servers list and you should find us,we play the Brit maps mostly.