I was thinking that the banner could use a bit of a revamp? Maybe it would make the page look a bit more modern if you know what i mean. I have something more high-res in mind...
From the Muddled Mind of grumpoo.
I was thinking that the banner could use a bit of a revamp? Maybe it would make the page look a bit more modern if you know what i mean. I have something more high-res in mind...
From the Muddled Mind of grumpoo.
From the Muddled Mind of grumpoo.
I like our banners. Show us an example of what you think is better.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Show us an example. I really have no problems with them now. The only way I'd vote for a change is if I saw something way better ;P
its not that the existing ones are bad, its that they are a tad grainy because of the texture behind them. I quite like the idea of it but I think that the quality of the stocks used can be improved but, hey, nothing's perfect ;).
I shall keep my eye open for more high quality stock images; I might even put a draft together if I manage to steal some time 
From the Muddled Mind of grumpoo.
I do like the banner as his like the others said, but if you have something to propose, we will look at it for sure.
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
I thought of an idea: Maybe we could have a cool picture of some real SAS on one side of the banner and then us posing in the exact same way on the other side.
Here's some nice poses I've found by just searching "SAS" in Google Images:
Plz guys, tell me what u want to see in banner and i'll try do it.
Yogi: 1st pic bad... Cause it collage with clip-arts, smoke brushes etc & blured... It's not good when u have a objects in ur pic with different quality...
It's always so SAD.
And it so small, 1410x1238 with 72dpi... Very Small... Believe... )))
Others are not appropriate by the same parameters. it is enough i fink...
P.S. now u have a bad banners without a basic knowledge of bitmaps ...
Sry, but i want to help u with this.
all advice is welcome maxyzzz
maybe u can make somewhat what u have in mind mate?
i saw ur website with the pictures of what u draw
so i know that u know what u talking about
study the tacticsection like u observe the design of the website and u will be once 1 of the best players
greetings loui
Hey that's pretty neat.
Thx, Yogi. Glad to hear this.
It is quite nice Max! The only comment I have is I think it wouldnt fit very well on a black background. Maybe an other set of color?
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Agreed, nice work! Same comment as Nick, also maybe try and add some SAS operators in the background (silhouettes maybe). No Photoshop experience here though so not sure how that would end up looking.
22nd [SAS] E.V.R. - Who Dares Wins
Hey Nick, i can colorize this, but i don't want use anythin' color settings, cause it's not good... Only texture and light direction.
I can do it with another metal textures.
West, what did u mean?!
Thx, guys.
Well the current colors are quite flashy for a black background. Thats what I mean. West is asking for some operators or some soldier on the banner a bit like you did for cohonlinegame.ru
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
K, Nick, now i end second ver for 70% and going to elections.
When end it and edit 1st, i upload it.
In first version if i add some peoples it will looks bad, cause background going in perspective. In 3rd and 4th versions i add some.
Have a lot of ideas.
Love the way the banner has Australian TAG-E (East) in one of them! (2 Commando Regiment).
My idea of CQB is running in with a sword.
i like these very much and like the ideas. God knows it is hard to find good SAS stocks. A more grey/black/silver colour scheme would be cool. Here are a few colour combos on the interwebs:
From the Muddled Mind of grumpoo.
i like the second one the green
Not gonna lie maxy, but that made my apparently large brain ache a bit...good job on that. Thanks for the little art-history lesson though, it does help to know who you are copying when you are using (badly) a particular style

PS. I prefer the contrast in the 3rd one if we are voting
From the Muddled Mind of grumpoo.
Art history doesnt tend to work with web design too well. Just be aware of that
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Good work Maxy, I'm digging that last one...
The darker tint would fit well with the current site design, and that UK flag in the background is a nice touch. Just a thought maybe center/enlarge the text.
Among the first 3 I think I also prefer the 2nd one.
Add these to the rotation perhaps?
22nd [SAS] E.V.R. - Who Dares Wins
My preferred one is also the 2nd one. Blue tints fits better on black backgrounds
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
I like the top and bottom images, but the bottom one needs a winged dagger and the text is too subdued. I like the rvs and swat dog tags
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
I know about text, correct that later, Random.
Thx for like. Dogtags really cool.