My workstation *warning: 1280x800 img*

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Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
My workstation *warning: 1280x800 img*


My laptops 3rd desktop (I have 4 workspaces), post it note and system monitors on the left top. Encyption software in the systray, K-Menu, Konqeror sessions menu (like Firefox plus Windows Explorer in one app), Opera my fav GUI web browser, terminal emulator (like a DOS window), quick browser showing my Programming directory, xmms (which is running), and gaim messanger icons on the one side, a mini-display of my 4 desktops and a file shredder round out my new setup for the bottom panel. I also use transparncy /w shading for the panel & menu's, plus a Window decoration thats see through. You see a notepad like program /w a little program I have toyed with for testing my grasp on parts of programming over my studies.

To me it's a very nice setup, looks good, works good, it's clean, andkeeps icons off my desktop + I can hide the panel when ever I want more screen realistate, using a mini clock & pager for time & desktop switching.

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago

... Opera ... multiple screens ... several programming languages ... (I guess this is linux) ... 1 4£r34Ð¥ 7|-|0µ9|-| 7|-|47 ¥0µ 4r3 £337 bµ7 |\|0\/\/ 1 |{|\|0\/\/ ƒ0r $µr3

\"Virtue is its own reward.\"

Last seen: 16 years 5 months ago

I was honestly expecting to see a Post-it note that says:

"Buy more Post-it notes."

And its FreeBSD I believe Miles.

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

My laptop runs PC-BSD 1.2, which is FreeBSD 6.1-Release with a few add in packages, namly the PBI System that makes installing software much like Windows, GUI configuration tools, some auto-detection/mounting, and a prepaired desktop with enough software to meet most needs but without bloat.

I'm perfectly at home in a command line only enviroment, but it lacks a wallpaper ^_^

PC-BSD has been the greatest OS I've used, it's not Linux and never will be that hecktic but it can run Linux software.

Most Unix like systems (Linux, BSD, whatever) support multiple desktops great, windows has support for it through a power toy (MSVDM but it's windows support is crap in comparson.

Plus, unlike Windows which takes a powertoy (TweakUI or major hacking about to acomplish. PC-BSD's desktop supports the option to have you switch to another window by just hovering the mouse over the window instead of clicking it, like the defualt is (and standard windows behavior). I love focus follows mouse !

FreeBSD is also a powerful Server OS used by Yahoo and ISP's, but PC-BSD sets it up for you with a easy to use Desktop. I'm fine with normal FreeBSD but I don't want to take an hour to get running a desktop when PC-BSD can do that on the first boot (while being FreeBSD itself).