All I can say is, "Holy Sh*t!" This motorcyclist's balls must be close to dragging on the ground for him to do this!
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
All I can say is, "Holy Sh*t!" This motorcyclist's balls must be close to dragging on the ground for him to do this!
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Well that guy is crazy.
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Hes reading the traffic. Risky but nicely done. The other vid i clicked after shows the bad end of the story.
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Wow that guy must have never been late to work a day in his life lol what a nut 8O
Whatever you do don't let Ez see this. His youngest likes to ride and he'd have a stroke watching this video!!!
All I have to say is "Holy Ducanti! That person is a bonifide nutcase!"
Seein stuff like that makes me want to throw this hot rod of Williams in the deepest part of the Tennessee river, Done.
Of course He said if I did he would go an get the one called Haybusa.
hehe you would scare yourself if he got a hayabusa.
The R1 in the vid is 1000cc, the 'busa is a 1300cc supercharged..research 'GSXR1300'
My friend has a busa and it produces 300bhp....on 1 wheel drive, thats enough to require you to handcuff yourself to the handlebars just to hold on.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Yeah I've seen a Busa once around my house on a local highway, and it sounded like a NASCAR going past, rediculous bike
I think them darn things are just to dangerous nowdays Period.
Too many people just dont pay attention and know the 2 wheeler is goin to loose.
Yeh thats the problem, often the rider is quite safe, its the cars you have to worry about
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
But seriously, perhaps the last words he will ever hear are: "Ivan, it's the police, open your door and drop the vodka bottle out."