Hey SAS brethren,
as I suggested during our christmas-party, here it comes again: how about a meeting for SAS members (including the recruits) of the european section, for example in northern Germany in spring ?
Of course, the non-european members are welcome too, but the way is a bit long ...
The advantage of a meeting in northern Germany is, that it is in the middle and so its suitable for our Scandinavian brothers. the british guys and the southern germans too.
What do u think ?
Set a date. But not the 30. of May.
Im going to be married that day.
Date set: May 23th 2009
wow, that was fast
Good innitiative Pitman.
I would very much like to join up with you all.
Sounds good. How will it look like ?! just a one day meeting somewhere or what ?
Very good initiative!!
If possible, I'll be there.
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
I would like to but germany is kinda far away for a canadian haha!
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
May 23rd, darn..Cant make it..thats My Son's 20th Birthday.
Have FUN though..someone take some Top Secret Pics..
I will se if I cant make it. Good job M8
Hi guys,
if we can fix that date and for everybody the town of bremen will be ok i can try to reservate our marksman hall. It can take up to 60 persons, so if the us and canadian boys would like to join
np. I can probably also arrange a little pistol shot if anybody wants it.
I need to know this very quick because may is a favourite date for confirmation celebrations in germany.
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
Very nice!
I will try to make arrangements so that I can be there
Join the Dark side! We have cookies!
I will try to save some money and hopefully the work will let me....
Pistolshooting???? To bad i dont have the S&M 687...
I wish I could represent the American contingent
S&M 687 what's that ?!?!
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
Smith and Wesson, mod 686 (not 687 hehe) 6" barrel, tuned trigger, double action....
Its a revolver...
S&W i know lol
What do you think, would you like to try:
S&W 686 .357 Magnum
S&W 627 .357 Magnum (frame of the .44 Magnum but a .357m)
S&W 629 .44 Magnum
Glock 17, 22
Benelli M3Super90
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
glock for me
If all members bring their own guns with them and agree that you can try we got also:
S&W 5906
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
I just started to reserve the space for the 23.05.09.
Pls tell who will come, need to organized the surveillance for the shooting.
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
Count me in - what a about hotel etc.? Lets talk about it, x-f or phone, u've got my number.
This is a meet or a chance to compare calibers lol
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
It is a meeting with the chance to shoot.
If nobody wants it, thats make it easier for me
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
So are these the airsoft i hear so much about ?
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Hi Sniper,
if you come you wouldn't get a ear protection for the first 2 minutes and its not allowed for you to stick your finger into your ears.
I just want to watch your face while the others do some test shots with our "airsoft wepons" 8O
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
I had some bad news guys.
At that time in Bremen start a very big evangelic church congress. So any hotels are occupied.
I suggest as a new date the 16.05.09 or better 30.05.09.
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
Hunter................you obviously have never been to war mate lol if airsoft is louder than a 2000lb bomb. I might think about putting my tin hat on lol.
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
Hmmm ... both dates are not suitable - heard about a marriage at May 16th
and on 30th I dont have time - so how about June 6th ??
The 6th of june - i will check if space is available.
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
I like the idea: Meeting in RL is always nice
Atm I can make the 6/6/2009 and would like to join...
However I need more intel due to the fact that I have to drive 1.200 kilometres...
Points to be considered:
1. Catering
1.1 Is there a good Pizza-delivery near with acceptable costs?
1.2 If there is a kitchen at the location, I could volunteer to cook my Spaghetti speciale for you all...
2. Soft and alcoholic drinks
2.1 Will someone buy the stuff and the bill gets divided by the participants?
2.2 Or will everyone bring something to drink? If so, we need a plan --> who brings what, cause I don't want a party only with 40 litres of milk...
2.3 Maybe the location is equipped with stuff which can be offered to human prices.
3. Places / opportunities to stay overnight
3.1 Is there the possibility to sleep at the location with a sleeping-bag (maybe a seperated room)?
3.2 Any nearby hotel you can get to by feet? --> Prices needed (single and double-rooms)
4. Timeframe
4.1 Start- and Ending-time
5. Other things to consider
5.1 Free discussion and comments
Now you have a mission, Hunter...
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"