When i passed my test..i came straight home and asked for the car and Dad said "to celebrate..theres some beers in the fridge".. and then went on to add "youve been drinking..oops you cant drive"
My step father bought me a 1949 black Plymouth with a flat head 6 engine in 1975. I loved that old car, it was my black tank. She was a tough old car... I even put an 8-track player in it. She had a 12 volt positive ground electrical system too..
good call
When i passed my test..i came straight home and asked for the car and Dad said "to celebrate..theres some beers in the fridge".. and then went on to add "youve been drinking..oops you cant drive"
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Two good ones Sirs. I will have to remember the beer trick.
ROTFL @ Randoms post
You didn't see that coming WIZ?, my dad tried the same thing and i didn't fall for it.
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Now that made glad to drop in for a moment!
My step father bought me a 1949 black Plymouth with a flat head 6 engine in 1975. I loved that old car, it was my black tank. She was a tough old car... I even put an 8-track player in it. She had a 12 volt positive ground electrical system too..
I wonder why they stopped using a positive earth lol
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)