I feel there is a problem with the current stock of maps for TG#1. The stock maps run perfectly, however when we reach "CrudeOil", "Hadishi Village" and "IG_Venice" we lose all of our players. I would ask you either include only stock maps or you simply provide the location that the map(s) can be downloaded from.
Thanks, SAS Hexen
the SAS_ maps are in the James_mappack found on the homepage. All other maps can be found on http://www.rvsgaming .com
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Wiz m8, your answer is a bit to fast.
The map pack from James´ hand work perfectly. But the maps "crudeoil, embassy and CS DE Dust" is not so easy to install. I have spend 2 houers today with miles to try to get it to work on my pc, and I/we didnt succeded.
I have downloaded them, didnt work
I have copies from Miles, dont work
I have tried to install it "manually" and putting the .ini files in rvs/system and rvs/maps/system. DONT WORK.
So if you or any1 else have a good suggestion that works then beers on me (½ Carlsberg in my Garden, u bring food, u can borrow a tent) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Advise will be very welcomed.
Thx. Noer :smokin:
can any1 else SAS members play theese maps? Is it just me that cant?
Noer :smokin:
What about "auto download" when you join the server while the map you want is running. Thats how I got most of them.
It takes 10-15 mins though, but at least you get the right version.
the Auto-Download system is even faster now then it used to be thanks to wiz so why not just let them download once. I have never had trouble with the installers from RvSGaming.com.
Believe me if we don't have custom maps the players who have been playing for years get cranky on the stock maps very quickly.
Well. I have actually never tried to install the autodownload map. Ill try that.
Hmm now I wonder why i always have stopped theese auto dl.
Noer :smokin:
a couple of things to bear in mind...
1/ the auto download does not come from the game server, therefore when u play the map others downloading wont kill the server.
2/ The speed has improved, but however u WILL NOT get an instant transfer speed, it will appear to not move. PLEASE WAIT, it will start, it just needs to re-direct.
3/ The maps on the server are exact copies of what the auto download has stored. So if u wait, you are 100% garuanteed to have the right version, due to the fact that the host will send me the map files before inserting it into rotation.
Dont expect lightning, but hey we are trying.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I have uploaded TG 1 maps to http://hosted.filefront.com/Matsuro
Nice going Matsuro. :pimp: :alien:
The only problem is that generally the maps you DL from the server get deleted after so many weeks or some thing. I can't remember very much, I read it around the time I started playing RvS...
Its 30 days from last played, there is a mod to irradicate that
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)