Happy 19th birthday, Magnum! I hope you have fantastic day with the folks close to you!
Cheers, the good stuff is on you ...
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Happy 19th birthday, Magnum! I hope you have fantastic day with the folks close to you!
Cheers, the good stuff is on you ...
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Happy 19th birthday Magnum!
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Happy birthday Magnum!
"Let's just wing it" -Fluffy on things we should most definitely not wing
Long time no see. Happy Birthday Magnum!
Speed, Precision, Experience, Endurance. General System Tweak Guide
Happy 19, Magnum!
And here I thought you were older than me... :S
Thank you, guys.
SAS_Magnum Lance Corporal SAS 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Belated happy birthday to ya Magnum!
SAS_Master - Regimental Sergeant Major
"He's trusting you to do your job which is to clear that corner! Nothing else!"
Belated HB Magnum!
Happy Birthday wherever you are Magnum!
When the going gets tough, the tought get going.