Hi guys!
Wanted to introduce myself to you all, and to let you all know how happy I am to find that this clan is still going strong after all these years! What a tribute to Smart, One, Trig and all the rest to find that this clan is still together.
I was a member years ago, when I had the time to devote all my energy to the clan. Life happens though,and I had a business to run, and so drifted away. I am now retired because of a physical condition, and so have more time than I know what to do with. Till now.
Am 56 years old, but don't let that fool you. my reflexes are a bit dulled, but just enough to make the opponent overconfident. I hope!
Anyway, just wanted to say hi, and if you esteemed members allow, would like to join your honored clan again. All I can promise is that I will not let you down. Again.
"Terror Hearts out, Always;
Terror Fabric, NEVER!!"
Greetings Dact
Good to see some more Veterans making a comeback run with the SAS...hopefully see you round one of the Training Grounds in the near future
Hi Dact, its true what they say, u can never truly leave SAS, Smart posted just the other day infact.
Glad to see you are still exhaling the O2.
We now play SWAT4 and Rvs.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Greetign Dact you probably dont know me but I am aware of you and your past thx to a research project form way back when. I am now the CO of the team and am all too glad to see older members rejoin which has happened in the past. I would be more then happy to discuss things and get you back up to speed as thigns have drastically changed since your time in mroe ways then can be counted.
i see colorado as your loaction which time zone wise is not that far off mine, I am able to chat in the evenings during the week. otherwise email or pm would be the alternative. we currently use aim and xfire to do live chats and many other thigns as well and so suggest you get one or both.
look very much forward to speaking with you live.
my aim is: sas shield
xfire is: sasshield
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
Its always a pleasure to see some one from the past pop up hehe. TG#1 is currently running Raven Shield and TG#3 is running SWAT4: The Streckov Syndicate. Hope to catch ya on the servers
If your planning on getting Swat4 but havn't yet, go for the gold pack. Has the regular game and the exp pack for the price of one.
Thanks! Need to get Streckov Syndicate and I will be set. Look forward to talking soon!
"Terror Hearts out, Always;
Terror Fabric, NEVER!!"
Pleased to meet you.
Dact, I think you understood what some people did not...SWAT4 is the path to redemption
"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view
lol Laz...
REPENT!! ...
and thou shall be Saavedd :tongue
Be ware ! SWAT is the dark side of the force - Just ask [SAS]'s Resident DarkJedi, Major Random
Dact, One, King, Smart, BrokenFrame, ZX9, some of the old names coming back to me.
As Spidey said, be sure to pick up SWAT4: The Stetchkov Syndicate. We have a great group playing that game as well as the group who have committed to the Ancient Religion of Raven Shield.
Play either and you will quickly discover the teamwork that interested you in the past and that continues to attract new members to our team.
Welcome home.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
dact by chance what is your contact info or what is hte best way atm to get a hold of you
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
Hey Dact, hope to see you on TG3 soon