Konami - The Regiment

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Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
Konami - The Regiment

The Regiment - Close Quarters Counter Terrorism
Its a game about real SAS assaults such as the Iranian Embassy Siege 1980.
I havent heard of this game before and wondered if anybody knew it or even had played it because it sounds rather interesting.
>> http://www.konami-regiment.com/home.php

- He who fears death cannot enjoy life -

Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago

It's fantastic. Don't spend more then 15 euros on it tough, because it's a horrible pile of dung at the same time!

It's a failed release, with lots of annoying bits: bad graphics (even for it's time), few and small levels, no planning, no weapons selection and a whole lot more. It didn't sell well, hardly anyone ever plays it and there's but one meagre patch fixing some issues.

The game does provide a harsh, exacting and punishing tactical environement, with cool AI behaviours and a need for speed that leaves SWAT4 coop standing still by comparison. And is a whole lot of fun to play. On the simulation mode (as opposed to Arcade mode) there is virtually no hud (say goodbye to ammo count, hitpoints), no reticles (learn to aim on the feel, with your flashlight or the very obstructive iron sights) and one shot kills both ways.

Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago

Fun to play without the crosshair. Good hard game with 2 - 3 m8s online. But not very good tactical game the way we play it.

But buy it, you will like it.

Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago

Fun to play without the crosshair. Good hard game with 2 - 3 m8s online. But not very good tactical game the way we play it.

But buy it, you will like it.

This game is very tactical. It's not slow, that's a different thing.

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

I just wish I could get a copy of the dang thing at the local shop!!!

Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago

I haven't seen anyone online before, heh.

It is fun to play, and can be a good challenge. The training part was one of my fav parts of the game. Wish we could customize the loadouts though.

Last seen: 2 months 3 days ago

I love the game, shame there is no option for a dedi server, or else SAS would be hosting one.

I like the maps, would be nice to port a few for Rvs

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 16 years 6 months ago

pretty thanks, to have spot this game i go to at find demo for test game

Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago

Good hard game with 2 - 3 m8s online.

So if I get it we gonna have one day playing the Regiment online for sure Wink
I'll see if I can get an English version though... I've never been very fond of german translations to put it politely... :/

- He who fears death cannot enjoy life -

Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago

The graphics don't look like very good for 2005 game

22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment

Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
Fun to play without the crosshair. Good hard game with 2 - 3 m8s online. But not very good tactical game the way we play it.

But buy it, you will like it.

This game is very tactical. It's not slow, that's a different thing.

yea you really need to go damn fast if u wanna finish the mission and go to the next one !

Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago

I actually found the maps a bit too linear for my tastes.

I think it also uses the unreal engine, but didn't really polish it. It's more of a console port, heh. The weapon models and firing look nice though.

I tried the newer North American version called Terror Strike: CQC. I've just heard it's a patched and repackaged version. Don't know if it is compatible with The Regiment though.

It's also a fairly short game (few hours on normal for me I think), and there's nobody online... (not surprising because it had bad reviews) so rent or borrow it if you can IMO. Don't recall a demo being released.

-- just checked some prices online, and it's there for $5... so maybe that could justify buying it Blum 3

Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago

I love the game, shame there is no option for a dedi server, or else SAS would be hosting one.

I like the maps, would be nice to port a few for RavenShield

Never stopped Swat3 from being a bit of alright though did it?

I've never even seen it in a shop, let alone played it. If it ends up in the bargain bin at Morrisons I might have a dabble.

Last seen: 2 months 3 days ago


there u go...14 spondoolies

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 15 years 1 week ago

I remember playing it with SAS_Python as point, me as 2nd and SAS_Wiz as RG. Wiz was acutally the most busy lad in the team -- the tangos constantly moved in on us from behind.

The Regiment is a good proof of the effectiveness in our tactics.


Last seen: 2 months 3 days ago

That sure was hard work, in the ol'embassy. Great fun though

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)