Here's something a little random just for fun, what would worry you more: surviving a zombie invasion or a vampire invasion?
Either way, I'd say pass the shotgun shells and setup the minigun nests
Here's something a little random just for fun, what would worry you more: surviving a zombie invasion or a vampire invasion?
Either way, I'd say pass the shotgun shells and setup the minigun nests
I would say Zombies
Why ?.....For 1 simple reason the undead can never die !
Where is Shawn ?
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
At least vampires sleep in the daylight and fight crafty, rather then massive hungry phalanxes like zombies tend to do in movies. Setting up a bushel of mini guns and 50 cals to rake the zombie swarms at about collar bone / neck level would have an interesting effect though, until the barrels melt.
Ever seen the remake of Dawn of the Dead, when they have to resort to shooting propane tanks to "clear a path" outside?
Vampires, cause they are smart!
SAS clan members vs. Zombie hordes would be good fun
worry more about vampires.
Zombies are fun. Slow easy targets
yeah..let'S have a membermeeting with zombie shooting. and they can "die". How will the move when nothing is left of em ?
I prefer Vampire-Ladies: tough, strong, wild...
Anyone has seen the movie Underworld?
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Kate Beckinsale...Oh, yea....Im with Duke!
Id say Vampires. Its harder to find Silver Bullets than it is to get a good headshot.
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
im with duke hah. iv seen the movie it was good. i think id be more afraid of a vampire invasion zombies would be fun to kill and run over like in resident evil apololypse haha good movie
i say vanpire, because like others already said: they are smart and harder to identify than zombies (if we all can believe the fantasy tales lol)
scout: As long as I can remmeber silver bullets are necessary for werewolves bro
None of them. What worries me the most is when the mrs get to that time that occurs every month.... 8O
Medic :arrow:

I wouldn't worry at all, I Survived!
had the parents of your wife at home for a week ?