Being bored and looking at my table an ide came to my mind: Is there anyone still playing Raven Shield?
This game brought me much fun during Beta and also in desperate moments alone in front of my monitor with nothing else then Solitaire to play.
Well, I was overwhelmed.
I tried TDM, too much sprayers.
But there was another server, lone wolf - objective hostage rescue.
Sounded good, people there even better.
I came back several times and hopefully will do it in future.
Something about me.
I'm 20 years old and from Northern Germany.
My written English and French are much better then my spoken.
I used to play Call of Duty in a really really nice clan about two years ago, also on ESL.
Currently (before restarting RVS) I played Guildwars most of the time.
In general I only dislike Sports games and love shooters and RPG.
My real name is Stephan, but I think Hase is more simple.
If asked for people (=women) can also call me Hasi.
Why i write here? First of all i hope it's the right sub-forum.
Secondly I enjoy every stay on your server, even if my corpse rottens most of the time - but in a funny way accompanied by kind people.
Even if I cant listen to music as always.
Maybe here is somebody knowing or sharing my musical "taste".
Xfire: hase123
ICQ/MSN/TS avaible
If there are any questions left tell me.
Gone but not forgotten.
Welcome Hase.
Please check out the training and tactics section.
Cu at TG's
Hey Hase. Welcome to the forums.
Sorry that I removed you from the server while spectating, we needed the spot.
Good intro mate hope to see you on the training grounds!!
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
Hello and welcome
Finally you "followed my orders" hehe.
You are a very good team mate. You play good. Keep in beiong a regular on TG1, but on TG3 we also play Swat 4 TSS.
I know you have been reading our tactics... You are always welcome on my element.
Stay active in forums too.
And you show the right spirit, you volunteered your spot 2 or 3 times today for SAS members.... WE LIKE THAT
Read the "how to join" part...... on the left side under "Home"
H.A.S.E... Good to see you in the Forums!
If you like playing FPS and Like meeting people from all over, and enjoy TeamWork and Tactics, Your Here!!
Keep posting and making yourself known to others....
(might even meet a few people that speak your language, hehe)
welcome to the Forums !
This your bush ?
Welcome HASE.
I've seen you a couple of times on our RVS server, and its enjoyable to play with you.
Welcome to our forums.
Hey Hase, You certainly picked the right forums.
Hope to see you on the server soon.