I stumbled upon this Java program line which is just simple arithmetic... but I don't understand why the outcome is 6, when it "should" be 5.25.
This is the program:
public class Test
public static void main(String args [])
System.out.println( (3+1)/2*3 - 3/(1+3) );
When I run this program in command window, the program prints 6. On the calculator the answer is 5.25.
3/(1+3) = 0
integer / integer gives you an intger. In the case it does not come out as a complete integer it rounds down. In this case from 0.75 to 0.0.
Put a double in there and you will be fine.
eg. 3.0/(1+3) = 0.75
Oh and hello everyone hows everyone doing.
Why I had no idea you know the difference between an Integar and a FPN Relish
Howdy m8.
Ah, I see. Thanks Relish :).
They are int as default of course, and not floating-point numbers.
I usually will use a float or a double for a number if I'm not sure it will be a whole number. Like my exit status or a simple on/off switch.