Hello all,
i am new to the coop rs world. played alot of single player and some adversarial online. was introduced to your group by En4cer and have since played several times. I find the structure and order of your tactics to greatly increase the overall game experience and I aspire to hopefully earn a spot in your ranks.
"Shoot low boys, they're riding shetland ponies".
Good 2 see some more new faces around here
welcome and hope you find what you're lookin for
hey there nice to meet you
(now I wonder from whom he copied that avatar, I really have no clue...)
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
Hey Canuck, welcome.
When I first opened this post I thought En4cer had changed his name, because you got exactly the same avatar :).
welcome glad to see you here. I read your app and now that you say your a suit I am curious as to if you are possibly his boss or vice versa or are in two seperate areas
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
Was nice playing with you, En4cer, & Wiz the other day in an element.
I know Leon, for a nanosec I thought En4cer started the thread lol.
Thanks to everyone for the welcome. Yes the avatar looks like en4cer's as he supplied it. In answer to the query from Shield, yes i am en4cers boss in the real world. I think that is why he was so keen to introduce me to your clan. He wants to outrank me somewhere. Which is just fine by me.
Hope to see all of you in RS and feel free to offer constructive critisms as i am here to learn.
Welcome to the servers and the site.
I am sure the good Captain has instructed you about application procedures.
The SAS receive a lot of applications, but select only the best of the best. I am afraid a sudden raise in En4cer's wages will not affect the application procedure...
Yeah ditto Leon.. anyways hello and good day to you Canuck.
Hello and welcome hope you will get some nice times in the servers, and im sure you will.
Fire at will!
Excuse me RSM.. but I beg to differ...
A nice 8% raise will go a LOOOONNNNNGGGG way to assisting his application
And yes, Canuck is my boss... at work... need I say more
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
but 8% becomes 16%..Remember there are 2 Capts
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Hahahaa !
I'm filing moral bankruptcy.
Ok Ok Ok I'll ask En4cer...
Canuck could En4cer please get that raise?