Hey everyone, the name is Dustin and I'll tell you why I'm posting as I'm sure you are just dying to hear the story... not. Got SWAT 4 & Stetchkov about 2 years ago and took a liking to it quickly. I'd been playing frequently for about a year, off and on SAS servers but took a break from the game and I'm just coming back from it. I remember having a lot of fun playing tactical Co-op and decided to come back and met some friends that told me I should check out the site and here I am.
Actually got SWAT 4 after stumbling across a random youtube video, had never heard of any of the SWAT series and since I have an interest in Law Enforcement as a career I decided what the heck, demo time. Two years later, here I am and I'm glad to be back! Played with West a bit tonight and quite frankly I'm glad SAS is still up keeping a tactical server available. Hope to be playing with you all in the near future.
Kevlar! Dang! She was ready to go to war... Grambo aint no joke!
Howdy do Level and welcome to the forums
Hope to see you on the servers.
Have fun,
I'm sure we'll see you on the servers. Keep visiting the website and stay current with the forums. There is quite a bit of good tactical information in the SAS Related Topics Forum for non-SAS players.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Welcome to the forums Level. If you like videos of SWAT4, here is a link that might interest you.
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Good to see your intro Level, welcome to the site!
We had some very solid rounds the other night, so I encourage you to stay active and meet everyone. See you on the servers!
22nd [SAS] E.V.R. - Who Dares Wins
Greetings, Level
Always nice to see old players return...
WELCOME on forum and servers
See you around.
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
G'day Level, welcome to the forum and the servers. I hope to see you in the servers soon mate.
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Welcome to ya Level and Welcome to the board too.
Hey Level
Welcome to the forums and server. Have fun.
[SAS] Veteran Chester 22nd Special Air Service - Elite Virtual Regiment
Welcome there Level.
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment