Rvs will not suffer the fate of S3 and many other games. The ProjectVI team have announced that they have made a mod to remove the UBI login procedure, and have stated that it will not be made public untill Ubisoft finally give up supporting Rvs. What this means is, when they finally close those CD key servers permenantly...A mod has been made to combat the death of Rvs.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
But i doubt ubi will allow that mod to remove the ubi login, it's just how they work.
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Well, if they don't use it before UBI shut down RVS, I don't think there will be a problem. Does that mean we won't see Project VI come out before UBI shuts down RVS? That could be in a very long time.
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
No, Project VI is well in development. Some of the upgrades that i know about already are:
Updated scope systems
new drag and drop modding system
New sound effects and music.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Looks good is this a Twi and Mas project?
I have read the mod post in rvsgaming progress is going smooth and cant wait for its release.
One more thing does anybody have the files for RVS 2.0 i yet to install it
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
A really nice idea. I appreciate it much !