I have a couple of suggestions.
Since some tags made in BBCode don't work because I'm guessing they are restricted, it would be nice for their respective buttons to be either disabled or removed for those who can't use them.
Also, when pressing the buttons, the tags could appear where the cursor is, instead of appearing at the end of the text.
Examples please
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I'm assuming you're talking about which BBCode tags don't work.
So far, these don't work for me.
[spoil]sample text[/spoil]
sample textsample text
sample text
[marq=down]sample text[/marq]
[marq=up]sample text[/marq]
[marq=left]sample text[/marq]
[marq=right]sample text[/marq]
[align=justify]sample text[/align]
[align=right]sample text[/align]
[align=center]sample text[/align]
[align=left]sample text[/align]
In case we're seeing different things, I just see the tags around the text, and not what they're supposed to do. All checkboxes are unticked in the post options.
Other tags, such as code, img, url, email, quote, list, bold, italic, underlined, and some others work fine.