Just wondering what you guys would have choose, if you had to.
For me, I would have taken JP, which is my initials, but I hadn't started to use it then, plus JB and JP are too similar.
Happy Posting!
If You Had To Have A New Name, What Would It Be?
Mon, 20/10/2008 - 19:21
If You Had To Have A New Name, What Would It Be?
Unfortunately RVS doesnt support it :/
HP.. Also my initials, middle name and lastname..
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
That was my gamer name on Counter-Strike:Source
BTW nice name valroe ROFL!
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
I'm sure Spidey will make a little mod/fix, so you can use that name.
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
That makes me glad we've got a limit of about 8~9 letters for names, thanks to RvS being stupid.
The name I gave myself after much personal thought was Spidey01, if I was ever back in civi tags again, maybe I would switch to xSpidey01x to match a few of my instant messenger account-names. But I think, *if* I was going to rename myself. I would probably call myself either BigBoss64 after jack / naked snake in MGS3, which is a charactor I really like.
or I would call myself Valkyrie.
Not a EZ one for me,LOL,
Well..I was Spidy for 6 years, never changed it until becoming a Recruit. Obviously Spidey and Spidy are too much alike, I changed to My other Dark Hero....HellSpawn
Reminds me of the movie Spawn...
Nice one.
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
I've been using Lucifer for a long time, when that isn't an option, then I go with L.Balor or LBalor. My full name when online is Lucifer Balor, so I just use the first initial. I know it seems odd to put this much effort into an online handle, but I've been using it since high school and it's sorta grown on me. (First time I used it was when I changed the name on my transcripts to that. Gave the teachers and principal hell trying to figure out who the new student was.)
Normally it's SAS_Cdt_Chester but if I had to rename in civilian tags I guess it would be Circular Saw.
SAS_Cpl_Duke (Razor Blade) and SAS_Cdt_Chester (Circular Saw) taking the server by storm.
[SAS] Veteran Chester 22nd Special Air Service - Elite Virtual Regiment
Thanks for credits, Chester
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
hehe nice name and valroe ROFL thats a nice 1 haha well i was FBI_sergeant for a few yrs that was my 1st name then it was officer_raynolds (witch i still use) and atm i use sheriff_swat_officer to match the olive sheriff skin i use 99% of the time hehe but if i wanted to rename i might use FBI_HRT_Officer_Raynolds or something like that btw i like to be called ray
Well JB just says it all I think! :idea: :roll:
Ok when I had to take another name it would be first.........
.....oh NO NOT AGAIN!
i think i'd take Boxer hehe, because i would be wellknown within SAS
You can close your eyes for things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart for things you don't want to feel
Hmmm - I like my name - I would choose the same again
I think I'd call myself Venom... Just like my skin
Venom is the King
nice skin im working on 1 myself
My name is Bond. James Bond.
lol nice 1
hmmm i think i would have choosen my orginal name that i started to play on RVS with, which was Trooper Sniper. However, the SAS format restricted me on that so i renamed myself Sniper.
But Sniper works out right for me !
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
I think if I had to choose another name I would be She-ra (Princess of Power) from a cartoon that came out after He-Man. LOL
And I would yell "I have the Power" when running into battle.
LOL....I always took you for Tigris, Female Tiger Warrior ...I think she just Growled..lol
But, you as She-Ra just gives me a visual...lol
Spawn, drop that Viagra.... think of granny hehehe
sorry couldnt help it
Hmmm... I honestly don't know. I'm not good on names, can't even remember where Toilet-Maker came from, just been using for so long now. I have my variations based on it that I use sometiems though.
-Picture from 'True Lies'
probably Yeti
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)