A computer mouse with a trigger-group on the top. Wouldn't it be cool?
I roughly made a picture in photoshop of an MP5 trigger-group attached on top of a mouse.
(I can't post any links at the moment. I get a "Page not found" when I try to post a link, so I'll put the picture in the Photo Gallery)
Just use the mouse
Wheel up/Down = Fluid Doors
Mouse Button 3 = Change ROF *click* Semi!, multi Tangos, *click, click* and we back to "Peace"
Only is a bad thing when you use MMB for TS (I use Ctrl)
I mean the WHOLE trigger-group/pistol-grip on top of a mouse. Not only the select-fire switch :). See Photo Gallery for the illustration.
that looks cool!
I cant wait to one day be able to attach a laser sensor onto my real rifle and be able to shoot tangos with it over the net. HA if only....
Train Hard - Fight Easy
But, It'd be better to have a Video Wall instead of a monitor, Twin PC's (1 for game, one for the "Systems"), use a 3D VR sim suit, with mag pouches, pistol in holster, grenades that exsist in "Holographic" format, and a MP5 in hand that is all part of some sort of High Tech game sim that makes it like your really there.
Like a uber stone age holodeck.
hehe it would be kinda cool
Unfortunately someone beat you too it.
For whatever reason, you have to cut and paste the link.
says it's forbidon
Not if you do what he said.