Greetings too all!
I'm new here (SAS Webside) and before i tell you who i am:
Sry for my English i learn it, and don't understand you all the time... lol
My name's Timo and i'm from Switzerland. I think i'm a bit too young to join in your Clan with 15 years but i wanna play the most of my gaming time on the SAS Server and wanna play very tactical.^^ My hobbies (is that correct? hobbies?) are Fishing, Gaming RvS and Shoot in a Club (Airpistol, later with Caliber, Pistol) and at finish: Pls say me when you all, nothing understand the last sentence... lol
I hope i can a lot of the time play on the SAS gaming Server.
And when you have questions, ask me what ever you want.
Welcome to the forums! See you on the servers.
Echo (Christopher)
Hobbies is correct.
See you on the server soon.
Hello pistol
Its zee
Glad to see you registerd. I registerd my self just a few days ago.
Enjoy your stay
Zee you ingame:)
Welcome to the Forums
So what game?
Gotta love those movies... Lots of nice shooting... mot not that realistic hehe
Welcome to our site and servers
hmm... Now beginn the not understanding words...
What do you mean with `"so what game?" Sorry from Switzerland xD
Greez El_Pistolero
RiP, my best friend ; )
Welcome on the forums El_pistolero. I enjoyed playing with you 2d on the PG1 server. If you wanna play tactical games you are at the right place.
Cya in the server!
(I didn't understand your last sentence but it's ok lol)
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Swat or Raven Shield?
but i don't play it...
I'm sorry, I have Raven Shield but i have at home the old SWAT 2
Gréèz El_Pistolero
RiP, my best friend ; )
Howdy there El_Pistolero, Weclome to ya.
Switzerland. the real land of the free. welcome.
Welcome mate
[SAS] SeMp3r .:. SemperFy * Great Mind Think Alike *
I have had the honour to play with you. Read out tactics section, to understand more of how SAS operates.
Hello El Pistolero
Welcome to the Forums and i hope to see you on the servers, i remember playing with you on the servers.
Read the Tactics and play hard and have fun
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Heyaa, special thanks to all...
I do my best and read the tactics... but sry i'm not very often Online on RvS this week because i'm going to work and look for to be a apprenticed as cook. You understand apprenticed??? lol sry
Love El_Pi.........................
RiP, my best friend ; )
El pistolero
This is a man's clan so it is adviseable to not put love at the end of your posts.
Or the British contig will be ripping you from pillar to post with humour
I hope that is ok sweetheart LOL
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
ROFL Sniper!
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Greetings El Pistolero.
You really should look into getting SWAT4 and SWAT4 The Stetchkov Syndicate and joining us on PG3.
[SAS] Veteran Chester 22nd Special Air Service - Elite Virtual Regiment
but i do my best lol
ty but at ,moment i don't have money to buy me swat 4, sorry
and for Sniper: love El_Pistolero
lmao nono, but one thing: My English teacher sayed to me at end a letter always a Love then my name... loool ok now i say to her NO, all the people laughing for my love, LMaO
Okey i will try to forget love (Love, R.I.P ^^)
GREEZ El_Pistolero
RiP, my best friend ; )
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)

well, it is really not so expensive? Oh nice i wanna look for the swat 4. I say it when i have it but not under 3 weeks
Gréèz and no love El_Pistolero
RiP, my best friend ; )
lol @ Sniper
Only Sniper can write that haha
I like the volunteering method Sniper
Hey pistol - nice to meet u here, we had some good games last night. I am shooting in an club too, but with real guns, i.e. a swiss K31 military carbine - a very precise gun.
Hope to see u on the servers ...
I have time...
WELCOME El_Pistolero
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Thx again too all
Oh very nice! Then I wish you very good luck at shooting!
Cya & greez El_Pistolero
RiP, my best friend ; )
Karabiner Model 1931, wow Pitman you like it old fashioned don`t you ?
Welcome El Pistolero.
Ty all! So many greetings
I was buy me the Swat 4 now =)... In 3-5 Days i have it at home... *smiley
p.s The Swat 4: The Stetchkov Syndicate , i buy me that later...
GréèZZzz El_Pistolero
RiP, my best friend ; )
Won't do you much good, because we only play the expansion!