Well... I guess subject describes it. :roll:
Is any old school SAS still in the house? I am willing to have some news from you!
Big old Moe.-
[SAS] Vet Moebius -- I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you. (Pulp Fiction)
Wow, well knock my socks off and smell my feet.
Moebius I am so damn glad to see you post again.
note. you are still the number one ban meister.
Hope to catch you in the servers
send me your email address and I'll keep you posted. I'm still at random@sasclan.org
All is well here. We have a fine group of members and recruits, with the occassional vet stopping by for some action or chit chat.
We are into SWAT4:TSS and RvS still mostly. Stop by for a round or two in the virtual pub or servers.
Good to hear you are still alive m8!
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Howdy there Moebius.
Quoted For Truth
Very glad to see you drop in Moebius , don't think we've ever met lol. Hope to catch you in server sometime hehehe.
I havent had the pleassure to meet you Sir, but I have heard only great words about you.
I can assure you that the GCHQ are stearing the team on a steady course. And its a find group of members.
Hope to catch you on the servers and forums.
MOE!!! You're still my hero.
Military life is having a plan. Then a new plan. Then another plan. Then the first plan. Then a brand new plan only to go back to the 2nd plan.
Hello My Captain !
Been a very long time, hope all is good in the Moebius house.
We are sailing along strong and true... we hit the occasional rock, but nothing that has damaged the hull !
Nice hearing from you again.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas