How do you come up with you Username?

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Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago
How do you come up with you Username?

I know there are many wonderful usernames out there.
Mine (Jonsi) is a nickname from my real name Jonathan.
I was wondering how some of you all came up with your's, it may be something that describes you or something you like.


Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago

i chose dragoon, yes why?
i saw many players with the name dragon. In the end i had the choice betwwen Dragon, Dragoon, Drakon(russian word for Dragon). so i took the name Dragoon, cause it sounds good and i think all is fine so.

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Last seen: 2 months 3 days ago

Dragoon is actually a regiment in the British army too.

Mine, DJ pseudonym

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago

dont know where snipe came from, usernames just werent really important for me at that time. My original username was SDsnipe.

Last seen: 17 years 1 month ago

sorry but: i don't know

i have this name for so many years now...

SAS Rct Ithen
(pronounced "eaten")

Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago

I've had mine since Rouge Spear. Had to figure out a nick, and it became "Leon". I didn't choose "Leon" because of the movie though.

Last seen: 2 months 3 days ago

I've had mine since Rouge Spear. Had to figure out a nick, and it became "Leon". I didn't choose "Leon" because of the movie though.

yes you did!! come on, admit it!!

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago

yes you did!! come on, admit it!!

I did not. I will not admit something which is not true. Smile

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago

Well ... it was in my very early beginnings of online gaming, shortly after our provider decided to lay some wires to the hicksville I'm living in ... I was a little hop o' my thumb of around 12/13 ... discovering the pleasure of online gaming for the first time ... and I was searching for a "cool" nickname ... that wouldn't be taken by anyone else before ... so I, a latin fledgling, searched my vocabulary book ... writing out cool sounding words like ... "deathbringer", "Grim Reaper" or "deathangel" ... after a longer study of my voc bok I finally decided for the nickname "sacer_miles" ... meaning something along the terms "divine soldier" ... with this name I then walked upon the virtual "earth" ... streaking several battlefields, finally encountering the SAS training ground ... after my recruitment my full name ... sacer_miles was then shorten to Miles due to game limitations ... and that's the story of my nickname.

\"Virtue is its own reward.\"

Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago

just random Smile

Last seen: 2 months 3 days ago

Miles!!! Streaking on the battlefield is not advisable, cant you pick a football match? much much safer Lol Lol Lol

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago

lol wiz ... I mean streaking past / along ... not that way of streaking ...
(note to myself: double check the dic)

\"Virtue is its own reward.\"

Last seen: 17 years 1 month ago

Why I choose MSF? To be honest I used it as a temporary name as I first visited TG3. It's origin lays many, many (and more) years back. Don't ask me when I used it first Smile First of all it is a symbol for my very close connection to my good old friend and wingman Duke!

Sometimes I think it is fast to type but to long to pronounce within the game, lol.

SAS_Sniper's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago

Well why i named myself Sniper is simple

I am one !


Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training

GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago

Well why i named myself Sniper is simple

I am one !

In real life ?

\"Virtue is its own reward.\"

SAS_Sniper's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago

In Real life yes


Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training

GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment

Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago

The rootes go back a long way in time:

I played countless hours the original SID MEIER'S PIRATES on Commodore 64 (with less power than a current mobile phone). The highest rank of each nationality you could get was DUKE.

A few years later: The cool-blooded DUKE NUKEM 3D with his chicks came out... Dirol

Oh, I am remembering a tale on TG#3... Wink

DUKE, Germany

"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

Dragoons are also a historical form of foot soldier who were trained to use a Horse for transport to and from the battlefield.

When I first started gaming online, my first game was the World War II shooter MOHAA. It was like January 2001. Since I was on the spot for a name and I love the 75th Rangers Regiment. My name was Ranger_Terry. Which in fact was used for my first Ubi Accounts user name and the early RvS games I played on GSA with 33.3K. Due to the age of my Americas Army account, I am still known as Ranger_Terry in AAO.

One day I bought a flight sim, I don't remember the name, think it was Jet Fighter IV or some thing like that. Well, because thats some thing I like.. I decided to create a new 'Call sign' that was very personal to me. And yes my favorite Marvel Comics hero played a part in it Smile

So, I came up with the name 'Spidey'. To make a long story short, the game wouldn't run on the PC hardware we had... So fuuy. Later on when I got Delta Force: Land Warrior, I needed a name. So I chose 'Spidey01', keeping the personalized name. The 01 which, btw only like 2 people have ever asked me to meaning of it !! Stood for some thing along the lines of the First Member of the First Squad. I suppose that would be ether Pointman or Squad Leader for most. While I've learned a bit more about Military stuff since then I've kept my 01 ^_^

I've kind of stuck with the name Spidey01, it's followed me into my MechWarrior career and into RvS and most games I've played. I've even resisted changing it at the urging of friends. When I became an member of the SAS, I officially changed it to 'SAS_Spidey01' or '[SAS]_Spidey01' for things related to this team & it's game genre.

I've also been known to go by the alias 'Valkyrie' when I play Halo. (rarely) Which I've taken for semi-personal reasons. Both because of a Girl and a Book I was working on at one time. In soem games, I also have been known as johnny_Lag after a character I created for some short-stories about RvS and it's many bugs <_<

On Computer related things, I'm usually just Terry or TerryP after my given name.

Last seen: 17 years 1 month ago

In Real life yes

Don't tell me it's you on the picture Wink

Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago

Oh well, I thought about this name a while ago. I wanetd to choose a name that sounded special. I was learning all kind of languages at this time.

Laz: It sounded soft and melodious
Ko: I was completing the name with a tough sound.

Lazko: soft and rough at the same time, it made a unique blend.

I was 11 or 12 years old then.

"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view

Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago

A few years later: The cool-blooded DUKE NUKEM 3D with his chicks came out... Dirol

I'm getting nostalgic. Duke Nukem 3D is the first game I've ever played online. Me and a friend played it over 28k modems back in 1997 :).

Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago

At this time it was a very good graphic...

Anyway - HAIL TO THE KING, BABY... Exclaim Dirol


"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"

Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago

AMBU(lance) + MAN(n) = AMBUMANN

Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago

but why the 2nd "N"

anyway oh boy do i have a story. I'll just go basic. Way back when, when counter-strike was a popular game I was went by a different name and played with some college buddies. well we all played our diferent ways and I found my routine which was usually getting to the other terrorists before most others. I played CT mostly. anyway what would usually happen is I would go in and do loads of damage and maybe take one or two people out. then the others would go in and reck havoc on those that were hurt and most of the time we would end up winning. well an idea came to me to maybe change my name as it was old and it was rather spcific to a dead era of my gaming so i though what to change it to as it is always to something relevant to something going on. In game i was a shield to my teammates protecting them sometimes taking the round while they shot up the other person. I added meat to it as well i would gladdly throw myself at things to help get the job done. It just sorta clicked into my head without much thought and still glad it fits me thats my short version

"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.

Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago

but why the 2nd "N"

In norwegian, mann = man. That's the reason I think.

Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago

Well I myself was looking for a special name I could call myself. I suppose I could have dug out my name book and chosen a real cool name. For some reason I choose to pick out a cartoon name. I could not think of a female character that sounded tough enough. Then I thought of an old cartoon called G.I. Joe. It was all about shooting and the names would be tough enough for me. But still I could not figure out a good name. Then I thought well why do I have to pick a name from the good team. Why not choose a name from Cobra. And then it hit me. Baroness was a good name. And here I am.

When I had given myself my name. My husband who was under a different name decided to change his name to a Cobra name as well. And so Cobra was born. Although we never had a server we gathered a few followers. Then the server came. So now you know a little bit of Cobra history.

SAS_Random's picture
Last seen: 6 months 3 days ago

I've had mine since Rouge Spear..

I'm sure Capt_Rouge will appreciate you naming a game after him.

I used to play a game called Rogue Spear.

My name was chosen quite Random-ly and it goes back to 1998 and a little game called Rainbow Six.


Lt. Col (Retired)

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment



Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago

ValRoe = Valkyrie`s Reciprocal Of Elusivness.

Very interestign pick -, very nice Smile

"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view

Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago


(should be self-explanatory heh)

(oh, and congrats WIZ, you're the only one here who hit the jackpot. Guess the naming game is over now)

Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago

Thanks Lazko! I wonder if it might be a little too complicated just being a gaming nickname lol. Biggrin

Both because of a Girl and a Book I was working on at one time.

Haha, you dog Spidey!
