High FPS vs Smooth High Gfx

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Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
High FPS vs Smooth High Gfx

Sheesh. - As long as the game runs smooth does it matter much what the FPS rate is???

With a small modification to the .ini for higher frames (A small one buy the standards I used on the old pc) I can get near 100 FPS at lowest settings during low action / indoor areas.

And if I forgo frame rates and settle for 20s out doors I can run it full blast with no real slow down as long as I use 1280x1024 or less. (For some reason none of my games like 1600x1200x32@72 lol....). And I seem to be able to run BF2 at "High" great with 1024x768.

Last seen: 2 months 23 hours ago

Fps, have i ever looked at that? hmmm nope means jack to me.

I know what it is, but i really am not concerned at what my fps is. Lag? yes i do but hey i dont care if i die, its only a game.

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

I don't mind if I die for my own fault - I miss I die, my 2nd man is crouched & full auto, OK some tell him not to do that ^_^

But getting shot b/c my FPS just had a sudden uber low drop, or from a game glitch really annoys me.

Considering higher settings, more performance tweaks e.t.c.

Profanities removed 14/02/06 03:55, WIZ