hey guys it's Novusordo from that game earlier. just dropped in to say THANKS to Sniper, Ezbear (SP?), Ghost and a few others I can't quite remember the name of!
What a fantastic teamplay dynamic u guys have.
1 thing, please can u guys link me to a key binding guide cos I noticed you guys have some pretty useful commands on keystroke.
yeah I remember , nice games.
if you get a link, let me know
I've been searching too
hai koma!
well i know how to bind text messeges it's something like...
x=teamsay whateverwhatever
but what I don't know how to do is bind individual voice commands. im still googling...
Ahh, you found the forums; welcome
I believe SAS_SeMp3rs post here will explain it (Note, the difference between RvS and SWAT 4, RvS doesn't allow styles (e.g. bold, italic, underline, and colour))
Welcome to the forums Novusordo. We had some GGs 2d.
To make a bind in raven shield there are 3 ways I'll tell u the one I think is the easiest.
In game open up your console and write this command:
bind "key" "teamsay Message"
You need to write the " symbols. For example:
bind "r" "teamsay Audible"
If you want to know more about key bindings (for example if you want to use more complicated keys like the numpad or other ones) just ask me HEHE!
Hope that answer will help you and everyone who doesn't know how to make key binds.
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Open console, type "preferences" Choose Raw keybinds. You will see wich keys who are free. Type "teamsay" before the message you want to send. But keep it simple. We do not replace V-coms...
Welcome to site and servers
Howdy and welcome to ya Novusordo, Yes it was some fine games yesterday evenin.
if you type "teamsay"-your Keybind will look like this [GREEN] Deploy Flashbang
if you type "Say" it will look like this-Deploy FlashBang
in Console, type "preferences"
choose Advance, then Raw Keybinds...
The Function Keys are the easiest to Keybind.
I have a list of Keybinds I use, I have @ 28 keybinds
nice spawn
lol nick ur not the only 1 around here who knows how to add key binds hehe
greetings Novusordo
welcome to the forums have fun !!!!
But some people doesn't know how to make key binds Ray and I answered the question that was asked by Novusordo and hostile. I know I'm not the only one who knows how to make key binds...
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
i know im messing with u y havent u been on rvs sas server ? iv been going recently and ur not there
I'm online very often but I'm in my exam session so I have to take breaks of RVS to study
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
oh i see well gl on the exams
Hello, Novusordo!
If there is any question left concerning keybinds, you maybe wanna consult GOOGLE for further reference to your request.
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
thx for all those tips. keybinds are working
Just got some nice games in R6

and having the opportunity to watch this kitchen fight
You can see the dying tango in the right corner.After that fight the kitchen can be used to get some scrap metal.Thx to officer_raynolds
~Excellentia minima est~
nice screenie hehehe that was the funniest shootout ever i wish i had it on tape
Nice shot. I'm sure we'll get into some more good shootouts there
hehe its a good spot for shootouts 2 and i play with no crosshair making them even more insense hehe