Like the topic says, hello or "guten Tag" from a german player
I just started playing swat4 in multiplayer after years of letting the install-cd beeing covered in dust
I started last weekend and fortunately, after wasting time on some death-match-for-nobrainers-servers, i came across your server...and had a LOT of fun.
Because i'm more the tactical player and i already have some experience in cqc and tacops (german military), i was glad seeing ppl play with tactics. So i started visting your side i said on the server.. it's great. Really good work on the sops and stuff!
So i will try to play a little bit more often on your swat server, its really fun and professionall too.
I also have RavenShield and when i can spare some more time i'm looking forward playing it in multiplayer (never done it before).
Please forgive me for the bad english...i am still learning
Cya on the server!
~Excellentia minima est~
Greetings & Welcome to the forums, hope to catch you on the servers
I think I remember playing with you. That was Swat, right?
Anyways, welcome to the servers and forums. Stay active in both of them and have fun
SAS is always watching
Hey Kharn.
Glad to see that you have chosen to visit out clan site.
Hoping for good games in the future.
welcome fellow kraut
have fun here. always great games.
Hey Kharn.
We had some good games on PG3.
Cya on the servers
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Welcome to ya Kharn.
Hey Kharn, welcome here - german section is growing.
If u like tactical playing, u should also try Ravenshield.
Hi Kharn,
welcome from another german.
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
thx for the warm welcome!
Nice to see that im not the only german here
didn't thought so many are still playing swat/ravenshield.
I was looking forward playing some swat this weekend but yesterday morning my laptop went im still trying to fix it but it seems like the graphic board is damaged :x so i hope to get it done till next weekend..otherwise i have to buy a new one (you cant get a single graphic board for a laptop so either i send it to asus or i buy a whole new
~Excellentia minima est~
Hello, Kharn!
You found the right place to be.
WELCOME on the forums and server - enjoy your stay.
I catch you on SWAT when you are back.
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Hello Kharn, and welcome to the forums.
Hope to catch u ingame.
Hi and welcome to the forums
Join the Dark side! We have cookies!
Just for info, my laptop is now on its way to meet its maker
But not the brutal way with a big scary hammer. I just send it to asus..hoping they can get me a new grephics card. Problem is that vendors dont have any parts to sell so it may take a while until my laptop is repaired/replaced by asus and send back to me.
I hope i can get a replacement from my brother for the time i have to wait so that i can start working digital again (basically) and for taking out some tangos in s4/ravenshield
Hope to catch some of you ingame soon!
Have a nice sunday
~Excellentia minima est~
Hey dude good to meet you.
If your on Ravenshield in the future I'll see you on there for some good games
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast
Hi guys!
Good news! No, laptop is not back, still at asus. But i got a replacement for a while. Just installing swat4 and ravenshield. Maybe you will see me on a server tonight or tomorrow.
cya ingame
~Excellentia minima est~
hello Kharn
they have the best funniest ppl and the cleanest servers we always have fun i
welcome to the servers and forums !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u wont regret this sas is the best
m saying hi from the force HEHEHEHE