Hello all ! I am Octavion (Fred). I have been playing on your Raven Shield server #1 and have warmed up to a couple of your members. I was told to check this site and understand policies and procedures in order to request application. I have read the Code of Honour and your server rules. I am requesting an application into the team. I will just tell you guys a little about me to better help you understand my commitment.
I am 35 years old and have played Raven Shield since it came out. I took a year off because of family commitments and schedule conflicts. I am a ten year veteran of a Police Dept. in South Florida. I am currently the training officer for our SWAT team and will be attending Sniper School in two weeks. My full assignment is Special Enforcement Team which deals with current crime trends in the community.
I have played online games for years and thoroughly enjoy it. I can play often, however my 4 year old daughter and wife come first. I have downloaded Xfire as suggested by "Spidey" and have Teamspeak already. I will continue to frequent the server and play, however I would like to be a part of this team. I agree with everything you guys stand for. Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Hey Octavion, nice to see you are iterested in our clan. Feel free to come by our servers anytime!
"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view
Hey Octavion.
Thanks for your nice introduction and welcome to the [SAS] 22nd EVR website.
Fell free to ask questions to us on our forums, and take your time to read our SOPs and tactics section.
Absolutely fellas.. thank you !!
Good to see that you followed my request.
And a warm welcome to you. Just fill out the form, stay active on the server and the forum. You seeme like a serous guy, and thx for volunteering your spot for a member.
Hope to see you on TG1 soon. Feel free to ad me to your xfire: medic160
Hi, Octavion
We are always looking for serious, coop-minded and skilled players...
WELCOME on the forum, enjoy your stay.
Normally, I don't need to promote the SWAT-server (Training Ground #3)...
But in this case...
Isn't it obvious...
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Well Duke..........
Both TG1 and TG3 is good servers. Both are good games.
TG1 Rocks
But do try Swat 4 TSS to
Nice to see you dropped by, and I think it was Snipe or Medic that said DL xfire ^_^.
Real life comes first and [SAS] only expects about 5-6 hours a week minimal time wise.
I was born and raised in south Florida btw.
Hey Octivation ....Fred (sounds better) lol....Glad to see someone in the forums who has experience in the real world aswell
Sniper School Eh...well if you want any pointers just ask me ! lol
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Sniper,,, you were probably in the military.. I have been doing alot of research in prep for this school (I waited 8 years to get one of two positions created), and although the technical information and ballistics (obviously) are the same, the concept is pretty opposite. You guys shoot center mass and at very long distances. Police snipers generally engage targets at less than 100 yards and go for immediate incapacitation-generally head shots... nonetheless, myself and another officer are the first of two positions that have been created and they are the first that this department has seen. I cant wait...
And to everyone else -- thank you for the warm welcome.. I will see you in the server !!
And the application will be completed shortly !!
Congrats on the Course place my friend..........I am in the military still serving in Her Majestys Service.
I prefer just above the heart personally than just a centre mass shot. I wish i had 100m shots lol. Just never forget your Laser Rangefinder best bit of kit you will ever need.
I will see you on the Servers mate.
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Welcome to the SAS site, Octavion!
I prefer enemies that I can see and point at without binoculars, scopes or any other means of optical remedies.
If the enemy is outside MP5 or Glock-range, he is of no interest to me. I'll gladly leave him to your cross-hairs...
Dont get me wrong, I am an entry member at heart and have been for 9 years now...as a matter of fact, we have had a rash of armed robberies at our all night convenience stores throughout the county so I have been keeping my MP5 in the front seat with me... waiting in my unmarked vehicle to catch em red handed...
Other weapons in my vehicle include two shotguns (one is for less lethal munitions only), a mini 14 .223 , my new 308 remington 700 with sniper stock, and a sig p226 .40. I also carry a Keltec .380 as backup... lol. I love this stuff. Just got in for the night and we had a slow evening... but last night I had three good felony narcotic arrests...seized two vehicles and a Taurus 9mm (loaded in between the drivers seat and ready to take me out )... that was an eye opener, but my other two partners on the team were right there and we thwarted any ill intentions he may have had..... Ok fellas,, goodnight !!!
OH yeah... my XFire id is Octavion61 --- please add me to your lists !!!
Hello Octavion,
Nice to meet you and welcome on the forum.
There is no shortage of different types of sniper rifles on TG1, and TG3 has some too.
[SAS] Veteran Chester 22nd Special Air Service - Elite Virtual Regiment
Yeah but none have an M24 :@, listed in order of my preference by game hehe...
Heckler & Koch PSG1 7.62x51 NATO
Walther WA 2000 7.62x67mm (.300 Winchester Magnum)
Izhmash / Norinco SSV-58 SVD 7.62x54Rmm
Accuracy International Arctic Warfare (Covert) 7.62x51mm NATO
Tula Arsenal VSS 9x39 mm Soviet
SIG-Sauer SSG 3000 7.62x51 NATO
Barrett Firearms M82A1 12.7 x 99 mm NATO (.50 Cal)
Remington Model 700P -> Which calibur is unknown since GOD only knows how they calucated bullet mass in game (Single Player, remote control only)
Colt Accurized Rifle 5.56x45mm NATO
The only good thing about the Sniper Rifle in SWAT4:TSS is it is suppressed and the semi-automatic mode makes it more suitable for the CQB maps in game lol.
The odds that I'll ever be able to afford taking up shooting as a hobby makes me feel better that my favorite sniper rifle is absent from both games lol.
Welcome to the SAS forums bud.
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
Welcome to the forums Octavio! Hey and take care while you're waiting outside stores to catch the bad guys. We want to see you on both servers for a long time.
Nice to meet you, and welcome to the forums.
See at TG1
Thanks fellas !!
Hey Octavion, I think I have seen you on the server before, anyway hope to see you on the server!
Hi there, and welcome.
I`ve seen you on the server from time to time, and its great to see that you are interested in tactics.
See u on TG1
Welcome to the forums and TG#1 Octavion. It seems everytime you join the server, a member has to join, or a member only exercise is about to take place. Anyways, keep trying, the server isn't always full and I look forward to catching some game with you.
Kewl Pic Snipe,, you like to surf ??
Well, bodyboard, but people put it in the same category. I have to if I'm ognna live in SoCal lol.
A warm welcome to you, mate!
I noticed, your gameplay was seriously and forced by the will to be part of the team. Follow this way further and train hard - so u will reach the goal. CU in game on TG1