Just thought I'd drop by to see if the SAS was still around... looks like you guys are alive and well!
I was a member back back when it all started, joined a week or so after Smart started the clan. Got my try-out from One. Glad to see you all have kept it going. I only see one or two familiar members.
I actually created the logo you guys still use. Glad to see you guys still use it.
I'll have to remember to check back in from time to time to see how you guys are doing.
Hey nice to see ya, nice handiwork btw hehe.
Hey Ironman, I wondered where u went. Remember me?
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
The SAS will stay on and stay sharp forever.
Hey Ironman
Always good to have old members popping by SAS forums and the servers
Hey Ironman, how are you doing?
It was out of pure nostalgy (and mostly from the more fosillic members) that we kept that picture.
I wouldn't have it any other way tough.
Well unfortunately the logo isnt some of my best work, id love to update it, but wouldnt wanna change anything you guys are so attached to. LOL
Greetings there Ironman
Was wondering since you are from SAS back in the day...when I first started playing SWAT 3 online as a noob, after being around servers for a bit, I got some free, non-clan related basic trainig from a Sgt_Moebius, but im sure his rank went up after that...neway he was an amazing guy and wondering if you still had any kind of contact with him still??
When Moe whent Vet I think he was a Major 2IC
Openning my web browser and loading the home page is always so nice with t he banner, except when I'm using a Text-Mode browser like Lynx xD.
yes moe was major and ironman im very glad you came around always good to see old members, hope things are going well. we were going to change the banner over a year or two ago now but we decided to keep it, but if you would like to update your banner by all means please do im sure we can or could use it in the near future
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
Hello Vet_Ironman
Hows things in real world?
Ranger, I also remember Moebius from the Swat 3 days. Moe and had some chats about things within gaming. Not much but a few times.

Swat_Lukas Coop Generation Veteran