My name is RAIDER and i asked Velroe in RvS
whether I can become member. I hope i can.
To my person: I`m 16 years old and come from Berlin in Germany. My real name is Kai. I play RvS since 1 year, and your way to play is almost perfect, this is the reason why i`m want to your clan.
Well hello there Raider
Hopefully see your round TG 1 n we can bust some tango heads together
You'll find plenty of info on our site.
if you ever get SWAT 4:TSS be welcome to join
(BTW:if you have SWAT:TSS try the SSF mod out its really good;to Qoute Rasa:it makes most of the weapons Able to use decently)
Hey Raider
Good seeing you on here and on the server ..........now read your SOPs mate.

Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
What do you mean with SOPs, sniper?
Greets Raider
Hope to see you on TG1.
Click this link http://www.sasclan.org/modules.php?name=Tactics
Lost of good reading there.
I just wanted to ask Whether i get the information that i am a member of sas?
Greetz Raider
Becoming a member consists of training hard, being offered recruit tags, training harder, passing a Tryout with a score of 98% based on an internal scoring system (not the games).
I wonder... we made a big menu item "how to join".
How HARD can it be to read it?
Tisk tisk Rasa, now don't be rude ^_^
Oops, stating the obvious, yes... this must be rude by any means
Ever see the Read The Fine Manual or Search The Fine Web crowds in action when some one asks a question ? lol.
I didn't used to be the RTFM guy. But there's times when a droplet makes the bucket swing...