Has SAS changed that much since i left?

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Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
Has SAS changed that much since i left?

Today i went on SAS server.

We went to the Presidio Map Hostage Rescue and on the...4th try or so i got TKed by a SAS on purpose. He must have felt i was endangering the mission even though i dont think that is true. I tried to throw a gasgrenade in the hallway where gasgrenades are usually thrown, this one near the stairs. This is not the problem even though (when i was playing on SAS) this should not be the SAS way of solving problems. Anyway, the SAS member left and before we got to talk and another joined.

He looked at the stats that were still present and noticed i was TKed by a SAS that was no longer present and asked what happened. There was some joking around (not by me) and eventually i got kicked....i got back on to ask why and he said for not following orders and plans.......not following orders or plans.....there was not ONE WORD said about any plan and no order was given. I think some other players were objecting too but i got kicked off before i got a chance to say more. Seeing as i did nothing wrong i went back on and got banned.

I have always admired the way SAS play and before today have also admired their....and my english is giving me troubles here to find the right words....sense of dignity and respect. I had done nothing wrong (except saying the word "bull") and i do feel bad about what happened.

I hope this topic does not get immediatly deleted and i hope to be unbanned one day, i always like to check if some of the old players are still there.


Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago

You did not follow orders. There was made plans, witch your actions destroyed the plans.

You where told several times. Other players confirms this.

I got online, caught a part of the joking.

I told you, you started question me. I kicked you 2 times, and on your third return, I added a ban to it.

A 2nd player also got kicked.

The TK has already been handled, and a server incident report have been made.

I'm sorry for the TK made by a member, this is not the way.

But still we do not accept your behaviour, and you should know our rules I belive....

I did not kick you for fun and I did not ban you for fun.

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

We don't lock topics without reason Wink

It wasn't right for you to be Team Killed (even if the shooter felt it was in the Hostages best interests) and this can and will be dealt with.

It however is no excuse.

Obey orders from any [SAS] Member. If asked to stay out of the way, please do so.

I know you, more then most of our current members.

I would likely have been much more harsh if I was the one responding to this incident -- because I know you know better, that Tots knows better, and I know the one who capped you knows better (and put himself on report for it).

I have also removed the 'SAS_' prefix from your account name, because you are nether a current Member, Veteran, or Recruit.

Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago

You did not follow orders. There was made plans, witch your actions destroyed the plans.

You where told several times. Other players confirms this.

I got online, caught a part of the joking.

I told you, you started question me. I kicked you 2 times, and on your third return, I added a ban to it.

A 2nd player also got kicked.

The TK has already been handled, and a server incident report have been made.

I'm sorry for the TK made by a member, this is not the way.

But still we do not accept your behaviour, and you should know our rules I belive....

I did not kick you for fun and I did not ban you for fun.

I wonder which players confirms this, cause i talked to most players afterwards and all did not understand the kick. Are you willing to say which player confirmed that i repeatedly ignored orders? Were they perhaps on TeamSpeak with the other SAS cause there were no plans made in the server itself. I cannot follow any orders or plans if i cant see them.

I do wonder, have you talked to Spawn himself? Did he indeed say he "told me several times" that i was not following orders? Cause i can only say it is a flat out lie if he did so (which i doubt). Others were told not to randomly shoot tangos, i also helped explaining that shooting the tangos in front of the windows will kill the hostage. Those words were the only words spoken "dont shoot tangos near window". Next thing i know i want to throw a gas grenade, get TKed, get kicked and get banned....

What is the behaviour you are talking about? Seriously, you were not there. And i certainly did not misbehave from the time you joined, unless off course rejoining is what you mean, but that was after being kicked and i started questioning your reason to kick me cause it was not true.

Players i know that were on:
Gimme_yer_Tots or something like that

and some others but my memory is not helping.

Like i said, i worry about this cause this is not what used to happen back in the old days and it's not an improvement if i may say so.

It however is no excuse.

Obey orders from any [SAS] Member. If asked to stay out of the way, please do so.

I have also removed the 'SAS_' prefix from your account name, because you are nether a current Member, Veteran, or Recruit.

I know what the rules are Spidey, but that is exactly my point. It is being claimed that i repeatedly ignored orders, while had gotten no orders at all.

Thx for removing the prefix, it was something i could not do myself and had asked for to be removed when i quit being Rct.

At this point i am still assuming it is a misunderstanding. I do not blame Spawn nor Medic. Spawn tried to safe a mission in his belief and Medic apparently got wrong intel.

Wait a second Medic. When you say there were players confirming i didnt follow orders, are you talking about the ones that said so before you kicked me?
They were saying all kinds of stuff like Spawn went berserk and TKed everyone. Like i said, they were just joking around because nothing really happened and there wasnt much to say.
But yes, some did say i wasnt following orders, and yes they did say Spawn TKed everyone and went berserk.....they did say that.... did they still say so after i got banned and it was no longer funny?

Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago

I feel really Bad for doing what I did, I put myself on Report for the Incident as it was more of a reflex to avoid the Hostage from being Compromised. After I realized what I did, I left immediantly and put Myself on Report for the Incident.
This IS NOT the way to handle things, I know this...
But, in retrospect...you were warned many times on several different maps to please stop rushing in front of people to get kills, you were TK'd by a couple of other players as running in the Line-Of-Fire...

And then after 3 attempts and many warnings to everyone, You stepped in front of a window with a Gas Nade in hand...I saw you attempting to throw the Gas Nade thru the window to the Hostage and TK'd you to avoid being compromised.

I again, feel bad for my immediant lack in judgement and therfor I put myself on report and immediantly contacted my WO1 to personnely put myself on report.


Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago

I got intel from the member himself that he TK'ed you.

That was handeled before you got kicked.

I trust a SAS member more, and I handled based on that info. Yes he told me about the TK.

For my part, the case is closed.

If you have any more to say:

Write a Pm with your case to the RSM.

Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago

I feel really Bad for doing what I did, I put myself on Report for the Incident as it was more of a reflex to avoid the Hostage from being Compromised. After I realized what I did, I left immediantly and put Myself on Report for the Incident.
This IS NOT the way to handle things, I know this...
But, in retrospect...you were warned many times on several different maps to please stop rushing in front of people to get kills, you were TK'd by a couple of other players as running in the Line-Of-Fire...

And then after 3 attempts and many warnings to everyone, You stepped in front of a window with a Gas Nade in hand...I saw you attempting to throw the Gas Nade thru the window to the Hostage and TK'd you to avoid being compromised.

I again, feel bad for my immediant lack in judgement and therfor I put myself on report and immediantly contacted my WO1 to personnely put myself on report.

This is incorrect. (sorry for caps in following but it makes my point clearer)

I was warned ONE TIME to not rush as much. I got TKed exactly ONE TIME (i remember those) and it was on a hostage entry. I do not run and gun nor run in front of people when they are at a firing position. I do however play fast, not wasting time between corners, but at the corner i peek and shoot like i should. AFTER MY FIRST WARNING, i did not rush at any point in the slightest bit (not even between corners, in fact i dont think i ever used the run button after that).

I was not attempting to throw the gas grenade through the window, and i think you realised that afterwards. Cause i threw the nade and then you killed me, the nade landed at the stairs, not through the window, yet i do not blame you for this. For indeed, others did screw up the rounds before that and i did throw a bad FB because of a misunderstanding a few maps before that.

So what have i really done bad to deserve a ban?

Spawn, did you feel at the time you left you should have gone back to ban me? Was i that misbehaving, think back to yourself, was i really!?!?

to be honest i did Run-and-Gun on the Parade map to run down the stairs to the door near the bomb. I am used to doing that because if a player takes the tunnel i can still stop the runner in time.

if any of the other players that were on (like i said above, maybe JohnnyG, Holger or Tots is a Forumuser) can shed his light on the situation.

Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago

If you have any more to say:

Write a Pm with your case to the RSM.

If you are as serious as you state, act serious. Let the case be dealth with the correct way.

If the intel I recived was wrong, I will recomend that the ban is lifted. But i will not discuss it any further here in the forum!!!

Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago

Quite right chaps. Even tough I'm always supportive of debate, this one should be taken into private as we generally don't question and debate admin decisions in the forums.

I trust you all have the means to communicate privately?