I'm gonna make myself perfectly clear about this movie...
--This is the most repulsive piece of garbage I've ever had the curse of tripping over. I've seen better movies drop into the toilet after partaking in bad guacamole. I've had more fun poking at dog turds, this is @** reincarnated!
--And for anyone who saw and laughed at that movie, you need to realize something real quick, the movie (while seeming to make fun of "everyone") is just patronizing americans.
I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.
yes it is and he openly admits that that is what he is doing
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
I've never heard of it <_<
I heard it was funny, but raunchy funny. I Dont plan on seeing it, but im just saying that from what ive heard.
It's hilarious because:
He makes fun of jews, and it's along time since that's been done
He makes fun of America by letting Americans make fools out of themselfves
The character he puts down is outright hilarious
It is overall politically incorrect, and that's good.
Now I'm interested, someone provide a link!
I dunno, I went to see Borat and I am going to have to agree with Langley. I really felt like I just wasted money to go see a pile of pathetic garbage called a "comedy."
WTH would you go see a movie because it makes fun of jews? We faught wars over that people, chripes. And if you see the movie because it makes fun of americans...well, I'd best not say it.
I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.
If you want to see thatwatch Homer J on TV
AH screw you guys I for one think Borat is very funny from what I've seen of him on internet and soon I'm going to see the movie, and from what I've seen he was hillarious, so I expect the movie to be very funny aswell. And if you don't like the movie just cus he makes fun of US you must be very uptight. And it isn't funny only cus he makes fun of the Jews ( I think even the actor is jewish himself) or US or whatever but the way he does take the things to the extreme and overexagurate "I'm very strong. I can hit a chained Gipsy from 50 meters yeeez? HAAAJ FAAAJV!" But I guess US sense of humor can differ from Belgian(/EU) sense of humor.
I saw it, made me laugh harder than I have in a while, what can you do?
I wish I could arrest some of the Americans in the movie, just for being total *%(*&()# morons...
LOL Merge I'd say same thing bout my fellow citizens if they'd appaear in the movie as morrons, but I think most of it ( if not all) is staged anyway.
Making fun of one kind of person is being opinionated, making fun of everyone makes you a F***ing D*** Head. And no, it's not just americans, or just Europeans, but mostly jews. And what is most shocking is that Borat (the actor), is educated at Harvard University, and I guess it would make sense if he takes whatever he's given and shoves it right back in your face.
And btw, its easy to see mankind at it's worst, it takes a human being to see mankind close to kindness.
I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.
actually he was educated at Oxford, England
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Whats the difference? Ones just older than the other...
I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.
Ah its ALI G himself, well HE IS FUNNY and from what I have seen the only morons in his movies are either the ones who fall for is act or the ones who show there idiotic opinions.
As for not making fun of Jews only because of the past is just a bit too uptight, remember Jews are far from the only people who have been persecuted.. Christians, Muslims, Buddhists.. the list is very long.
Sascha Baron Cohen..is actually Jewish
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Heres a scoop preview for you..His next movie is going to be based on his other character..Bruno, the gay German hairdresser.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Yeah I heard about that.
So he's Jewish as I tought so actually he makes jokes bout himslef aswell and everyone (I would assume) knows not to take it serious. And "oh my he's making jokes bout Jews" but aren't you missing the picture that he makes Kazakhstan look very ridiculous? Like they have no cars, sleep with relatives, makes up weird holidays, use toilets to wash their faces, the priminister looks like a bum, ... The look on Kazakhstan is the main joke I'd say. "Dziekuje. Jak sie masz!"
Wow a red neck joke about Kazakhstan on camra!