as the title suggests, may your 2006 be a prosperous one. I forsee many great things happening for us. We have new games to look forward to, possibly people getting promoted, and just the current bond getting stronger.
I myself have many SAS goals in the pipeline, i hope you guys do too.
As for right now ive just finished a 29 hour day DJ'ing at a golf club (rather posh and strict code) which terminated in sharing a ride home with 2 Latvian waitresses;Jane and Michelle. Very interesting.
All the best for 2006
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
What is this.. a drunk Recon.. that is saying.. happy new year to you m8.. and to all the SAS brothers too.. !!!
Don't forget to visit our own DJ's website.. Give a noisy welcome to DJ WIII-III-IIIZ…
lol thanks 4 the plug recon. If you click on the WWW at the bottom of any of my posts it will take you there.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Well... I guess Recon's PR-job made Wiz not-so-unknown anymore.
A happy new year to all clan members on all sides of the pond, hangarounds, friends, casual visitors, and all ye other that stop by.
As the predictions for 2006 says nothing about peace on earth or in the virtual world, the need for a speedy, aggressive and surprising SAS is strong.
Happy New Year Wiz!
And to all the community,
Wishing everyone health and happiness.
May your year be fraught with
chills, thrills and adventures,
for those with lesser hearts,
a new lazy-boy or something,
only those who will
I wish you a merry new year...
I wish you a merry new year...
I wish you a merry new year...
And a happy new year...
Happy New Years.
May old pains be forgotton, new adventures found; and the future unfold in this shiny new year.
Oh and someone keep Recon off the Grenade Range till he sobers up
Lots of things to look forward to: Expansion for SWAT4, new Rainbow 6 game, the new Splinter Cell, The Regiment. I can hardly wait.
Here's to everyone's health and happiness. May 06 bring you all that you hope for and more!
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Best wishes to all in the new year.
Happy new year SAS comrades
Happy new year to all SAS, SAS-hangarounds (regulars) and others!