May i extend a very happy clan birthday to our beloved RSM
2 years for Mr Blade
fetch the cake old man :roll:
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Fetch Blade too!
"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view
Blade! If you want cake come out of your little hide-out! Blade ! Anyway a happy clan birthday!
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
HCB m8.
Very happy clan birthday m8 & many many more
HCB Blade!
Hoot Hoot ... nicely done Blade-O !
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
Blade: HCB!!!!!!!!!
SAS_VET_Centurion. And that is my $.02 Cdn. worth!!! Just because I am 51, does not mean I am old!
Congratulations, Blade. Hope to see you in the servers again soon.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Happy clan birthday, Blade
Happy clan BD
Fetch Blade too!
"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view
Blade! If you want cake come out of your little hide-out! Blade ! Anyway a happy clan birthday!
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
HCB m8.

Very happy clan birthday m8 & many many more
HCB Blade!
Hoot Hoot ... nicely done Blade-O !
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
Blade: HCB!!!!!!!!!
SAS_VET_Centurion. And that is my $.02 Cdn. worth!!! Just because I am 51, does not mean I am old!
Congratulations, Blade. Hope to see you in the servers again soon.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Happy clan birthday, Blade
Happy clan BD