Hey Recon !!! Get your *** in the servers some time for a few rounds, they've moved closer to home !!!
Good luck with the graphical design, even if the change in professions doesn't work out; at least your learning some thing that interests you. Sadly nothing says we get paid for it int he end :-(, hope it goes well m8.
Hey Recon! Graphic design eh? Cool. You learn how to use Adobe Illustrator then I presume? Vector graphics. And/or Photoshop.
The course I'm taking is called "Interactive Design" (bachelor IT), which is kind of a mix between IT and graphic design. Possible jobs for me will then be either web designer, multimedia producer/making Flash animations etc. Interactive content for the web, basically.
Hey Recon! Graphic design eh? Cool. You learn how to use Adobe Illustrator then I presume? Vector graphics. And/or Photoshop.
The course I'm taking is called "Interactive Design" (bachelor IT), which is kind of a mix between IT and graphic design. Possible jobs for me will then be either web designer, multimedia producer/making Flash animations etc. Interactive content for the web, basically.
Yes exactly Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. We learn anything from creating logo's in Illustrator, graphical art and photo editing in Photoshop and putting it all together in InDesign. If i decide that this is the profession I wish to work with, then I would likely find myself in an advertising agency within 4-5 years from now (If I have the luck and skill to be accepted into one of the schools). 8O
Ghost Recon hey old pal old viking 1 of 3
Good to hear from you...it looks like you are doing grrrreeeaaaatttttt(yes I am in the beer section again) A bit off corse perhaps,,but plz come in for a game, if not RVS then GR..
We the wiking off 3 will be ready for the WIZ tour hehehheheh we can drink to we die, and then some
Hello, Recon
Good luck with your task
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Hey Recon !!! Get your *** in the servers some time for a few rounds, they've moved closer to home !!!
Good luck with the graphical design, even if the change in professions doesn't work out; at least your learning some thing that interests you. Sadly nothing says we get paid for it int he end :-(, hope it goes well m8.
Hey Recon! Graphic design eh? Cool. You learn how to use Adobe Illustrator then I presume? Vector graphics. And/or Photoshop.
The course I'm taking is called "Interactive Design" (bachelor IT), which is kind of a mix between IT and graphic design. Possible jobs for me will then be either web designer, multimedia producer/making Flash animations etc. Interactive content for the web, basically.
Yes exactly Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. We learn anything from creating logo's in Illustrator, graphical art and photo editing in Photoshop and putting it all together in InDesign. If i decide that this is the profession I wish to work with, then I would likely find myself in an advertising agency within 4-5 years from now (If I have the luck and skill to be accepted into one of the schools). 8O
Recon old buddy old pal!
Please do me a personal favour and come back for a game or two in the future mate
Hope everything is well down in Kartoffel-country!
Hey Recon
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Hey Buddy, Sounds like life is busy.
But im sure its not too busy to come over to one of our many servers.
Anyway..back to my world tour
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Can Hardly Call Philly and New Jersey a World Tour...But, Fun just the same...hehe
Well has anyone else in SAS personally sat down and drank beer in the company of 5 people on the mighty page?
World Tour it is!!
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Hello Recon,
Good luck with Graphical Design.
[SAS] Veteran Chester 22nd Special Air Service - Elite Virtual Regiment
Ghost Recon hey old pal old viking 1 of 3
Good to hear from you...it looks like you are doing grrrreeeaaaatttttt(yes I am in the beer section again) A bit off corse perhaps,,but plz come in for a game, if not RVS then GR..
We the wiking off 3 will be ready for the WIZ tour hehehheheh we can drink to we die, and then some
have a nice summer mate, good to hear from you.
You mean viking of 11, I hope
(could've listed Calm too, but I'm not sure there were any vikings in Finland
Drop in for a game or two, if you can.
GCHQ would like a sitrep on Danish blondes with big b***s, for operational purposes.
Always knew you had a one track mind Red Rooster