Guitar/Music questions? Fire at will.

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Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Guitar/Music questions? Fire at will.

This topic is for anyone who has questions about guitar or music in general. I will try my best to help out and answer your questions.

I said to Sniper I'd post a 12 bar blues here, so here it is. The chords to a basic 12 bar blues in the key of A:


This is the most basic structure for a 12 bar. I can post more complicated alternatives if requested, such as some of BB Kings' versions.

You also asked about melodic phrasing when soloing. This is a big area of music which has a yawning gulf of possibilities as no solo is played the same twice. One of the first things to look at with phrasing might be to exercise a four note rule, where you play four notes, and hold the last note played, sustaining it before moving on to another phrase. Doing this will sound simple, but will tell more of a musical story than constantly playing notes. Again, ask if you have any more questions about phrasing!

I would be glad to answer any more questions about this. Cheers

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast

SAS_Sniper's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago

Why is the chords in the Dim 7th and not in Maj or Min?

Great tip i will give it a try


Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training

GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

Sadly, I've never learned to play an instrument Sad and rarely sing outside of church or in private if I can help it lol.

To late to start now.....

Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago

Sadly, I've never learned to play an instrument Sad and rarely sing outside of church or in private if I can help it lol.

To late to start now.....

never too late man.

Do what you want when you want it. You can sill enjoy playing a guitar , doesn't matter how ol or young you are.


Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago

You're in the bloom of your life, Spidey, take your chance... Lol

What shall I say here... 8O

DUKE, Germany

"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"

Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago

I wanna be as good as "Slowhand" is...

Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago

Why is the chords in the Dim 7th and not in Maj or Min?

Great tip i will give it a try

All of the chords are Dominant 7th chords. Sry I should've been more clear, and gave v33 code lol jk. Dim7th is Diminished 7th which would sound wierd.

The dominant 7th chord is the most used chord in simple blues. Basically because its a really "bluesy" chord. I like your question about Maj or Min because the dom 7th(usually just written as 7th) has both major and minor notes in it, making it "bluesy".

The dom7th chord consists of the notes:

Tonic (1st)
Major 3rd (4 semitones up)
Perfect 5th (3 semitones up from maj3rd)
Minor 7th (3 semitones up from perf.5th)

If you want to sound more clever you could replace any of those Dom7th chords with Dom9th chords. In case you don't know, thats a Dom7th chord with a maj9th note added on top(Maj9th is the same as a Maj2nd, just an octave higher. 2 semitones above Tonic)

More questions? I could do this all day Blum 3 soon all of SAS will be hanging up their mp5s and buying a guitar...

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast

Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago

Aye here's a question. I've just dropped 250 smackers I couldn't really afford on a new guitar. Is this stupid?

Course not.

SAS_Sniper's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago

Adze mate my first guitar cost me 150 knicker mate.

I have a Fender Stratocaster but recently i bought a Original Les Paul with the Union Jack Design....Looks Cool !

Sorry when it comes to guitars its my sin in life. I love them i could spend hours in a shop just trying the guitars and the patience of the shop owners lol.


Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training

GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment

Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago

Whay buy gitars when you cant play Sniper ? :roll: Lol Lol Lol

Last seen: 15 years 7 months ago

I still got my LTD EC-400 in Olympic White Biggrin although I had to sell my ENGL Fireball with ENGL standard slanted 4x12 cab


SAS_Sniper's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago

I can play guitar its just that im learning a new style of playing.

I can play anything rock which is simple when compared to Blues style of playing.

Lots to learn still.


Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training

GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

As a young child, I used to play with my Grandmother, (she had a guitar, later I had a youth one) but I never had a chance to study music myself; so that would really mean starting from the very beginning, in order to learn. That would be easy enough with time to dedicate, but....

If I took to learning an instrument, it would likely be the Violine.

By the time I could both afford a decent one to practice with (really not ea$y for me), hopefully find a teacher for a fair price, and then learn to play it with a level of skill, that wouldn't make everyone for dekameters around need to wear earplugs to shut out the horror of it all.... I would probably be older then [SAS] Centurion by the time I could stand my own playing lol.

Although I do admit, most of the music I listen to involves a guitar in the mix, it's not an instrument I have much interest in playing.

Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago

I love the look of the original Les Pauls, but if I could have any it'd be a Fender Jazzmaster/Gibson Firebird style guitar. A union flag design just reminds me of Noel Gallagher. The guy in the guitar shop was keen to inform me that the one I was buying was identical to the model he used to own, though it was in Manchester so I guess that's fair enough.

Taking up playing instruments is now the only thing that keeps my brain from dying through mundane idiot work these days.

Next investments have to be a meatier amp for the electric and an acoustic amp.

For Spidey, I have a friend who works in a violin/strings shop so I can get you a tidy discount if you fancy! Though, through the majesty of online tabs, guitar is very easy to pick up whereas violin is not.

Last seen: 15 years 3 weeks ago

Mabye you will be the new Slowhand Sniper Wink

Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago

I've got a Stagg Acoustic guitar, a Squire Strat, Line6 Variax, Ibanez RG320FM, and an Epiphone 335. All cheapos, none of them are over 400 squid. Nothing wrong with getting a few cheapish guitars. They all play well. The only big difference with an expensive Gibson is the name.

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast

SAS_Sniper's picture
Last seen: 7 months 3 weeks ago

True the budget guitars are just as good


Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training

GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment