Haha, you haven't seen the last of me boys...er and maybe girls. It was a blast playing with you guys yesterday. I'm still a noob at the game since this is my 5th day having the game. I havent really practiced techniques in the game and such. I would gladly play on your server again since your a great group of guys and didnt give me crap for not knowing what I was doing. Thats about it, if you want to check out the clan that I am in, you can visit our site at http://www.lightningassaultwarriors.com. We started out as a Swat 4 and Swat 4 Expantion only clan but we are steadily moving into other games. We currently have 2 Swat4 Expantion servers up, that are a 14 Slot and 10 slot servers. If you want to join us the server names are {L|a|W} No Pepper and {L|a|W} No Pepper#2. In the next month or so we should have a server up for Battlefield Vietnam and maybe even a Raven Shield server. If you want to contact me, my xfire username is ironninja321. I have a few of your xfires already. Its been a pleasure playing on your server and hope we can do it again.
Pleased to make your aquaintence Doom,
I am glad that your visit to our server was such a positive one and that you hold us with such regard.
Our team officially specilizes in SWAT 3 & 4 and Ravenshield. Mainly CQB tactics.. but we have been known to dabble in other games such BF2, Battlefield Vietnam, BF 1942 and Ghost Recon.
Any game we participate in we always try to use realistic tactics and try to play the game tactically. We do not employ Run & Gun play styles.
If you are looking for extra members to play with your team... by all means put a posting in our forums and give us some head notice... many of our members are open to playing good games with good players.
Hope to see you online.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
Yeah Doom,
to be honest i didn't notice you all that much, which can be taken as the sign of a valuable team player or maybe it's because you were on Rouges team as a pose to my (or Miles') team.
Regardless, i look forward to playing with you in the future
SAS_Hexen :ninja:
I'll be doomed...
Nice to see you appreciate team work. Welcome on our servers.
Hey Doom
Dont worry I notice you, and you did a great job as my warbody in the hossie mission. Sory to hear, that you are in an other clan "Bugger"
Had a blast playing with you, and you are welcom at all times
Hey Doom hope to see you in the sever some time

John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that they lay down their life for their friends.
'When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you.' --- 37% of Americans agree that while they would hate being British, they wouldn't mind having a British accent. --- Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?