Heya there, i was told to check out the site so i thought i would register aswell. Just wanna say hello to you all, a few of you might know me and a few of you might not. Anyway, cred for the great servers. Its bascially the only ones im at when i play raven shield. As the usual rush/getting tk'ed etc on most servers really doesnt fit me.
Hope we get to play some more, cause ill keep joining the servers once i play raven.
Peace out
Well i never saw u whilst I was playing but well, I'll hope too see u on the servers and ahve soe nice rounds together :D. Welcome!
SAS Rocks!!!
Hi there
We are a coop team, and rushing is one of the things we dont like... so you are in the right place.
Hang around our servers and forum
Welcome btw
Yeah for sure, think i've played most with you and ghost tbh. So definitely experienced what you are about
Place your xfire adress in the xfire thread, if you dont have xfire get it on xfire.com if you like
Hello Nicke...Nice to Meet You..
G'day Nicke
i'm the few that don't know you but i hope i do get to know you.
Have Fun
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Welcome To The SAS servers and forums Nicke. Stay active, read our Tactics section to get a good idea of how we play and be a part of the element whenever possible. See you.
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
Welcome Nicke! Also good to see new faces around here who are interested in tactics
Hi again, Nicke. Glad you decided to check out the site. It will make a great deal of difference to your experience in the game servers.
Hi, Nicke!
WELCOME on forum and servers
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Hey Nicke,
Welcome to the forum and servers.
Maybe I'll see you on the Rvs servers
Else visit the SWAT-servers 
Over and Out,
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Hi Nicke,
welcome to the forums and servers
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
Join the Dark side! We have cookies!
Thanks for the warm welcome!
hey there
Hey Nicke
Now you just need to get SWAT4 as well
I've actually played swat4 in the past, nothing serious however. But i bet its fun if you go out serious with tactics and all that. Somehow i like the idea of taking out the actual terrorist instead of arresting them, therefore i enjoy raven shield the most :).
maybe this helps you:
SAS plays Swat4 in the most realistic way thats possible. Therefore we give a damn about the score system there cause it is just unrealistic. We go in there in a glance and if a suspect doesnt give up or drawing a weapon he is faster down and SAS is already at the next door to proceed than the suspect can call for his mommy.
-Timbo out
sounds like my kind of style, cause playing by the point system really sucked.
Swat4 is like uni.... you don't care about the points as long as you pass xD
Just convince yourself in time that SWAT rocks before you judge...
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
haha cara, and duke yeah
hi there nicke!!!
Those who believe to be something, have stopped to become something
Hey ESCRT dude, welcome aswell!