Been playing in the server on and off for about 4 months now, love the way you do things, love the way you play, looking forward to playing alot more RvS in the future alongside you
Hello Black Water. I did get a chance to play with you the other day. You seemed like a good player. Keep up the good work and who knows maybe you will be a SAS member someday
Hey Blackwater.
Thx for the hello. And welcome to the SAS Clan forums
Hi black water ...........good to see you on the forums welcome
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
hi and welcome
Hello Black Water. I did get a chance to play with you the other day. You seemed like a good player. Keep up the good work and who knows maybe you will be a SAS member someday
I wish i could be, but my allegiance lies with another team.