Okay im just curius. What graphic card(s) do you all have?
Personal i have my lovely Nvidia 7900GTX
Btw my brother have just got the Nvidia 8800 GTX SLI!!
(couldnt resist saying all this
P.S I can play fear on the maximum without any lag
Fire at will!
Nvidia Geforce 6600GT 128MB in the desktop computer, and
Nvidia Geforce GO 7600 512MB in the laptop.
all the way of course.
ATI X1300 512MB
works awesome on BF2
512 mb, GeForce 7950 GT, can run purdy much anything on max graphics without lag issues. Had recent "Black Screen" issues with some of my EA games, have been issued now...thankfully. Oh and btw, nice one for your bro. Does it look all purdyfullness?
256mb Geforce 5500
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Radeon 9200 SE Atlantis
SAL1600: 256MB nVidia GeForce 6200 /w Turbo Cache, PCI-Ex16. And a TV Tuner.
Dixie: 64MB Shared ATI Radeon Xpress 200M(obile) AGP (on board).
Vectra: 8MB Shared Matrox G200 AGP (on board)
Josephine: 128MB nVidia GeForce Ti-4200 AGPx8 in a AGPx4 slot
Plus our first worth mentioning a ATI 128 Ultra Rage 32MB AGP 4x card is sitting in my closet next to a Win Modem.
I wanted a Geforce 6600 for SAL but got stuck with a lower model + tv tuner.
ATI Mobility Radeon X1800
Swat_Lukas Coop Generation Veteran
Sp spidey you got names for you computers?
I think im gonna call mine Michelle
And NoDebate i can just say that it looks awsume, but the only - with it is that it is really really big and even bigger when they are 2
Fire at will!
Refering to the machines by their local hostnames makes talking about them in conversation a lot easier then Local IP Address or Make/Model/Specs
I got a GPU worth a museum, I am planning on getting a new com very soon though with the new Geforce 8800GTX SLI, if I don't decide to wait for the next dx10 card.
I would just like to inform that the option "Horse?" won the poll if anycase people are interesting. :o
Fire at will!