Got A Neat Idea For A Game

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Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
Got A Neat Idea For A Game

Well, I thought of this on a rainy day, read if you're interested...

Title, who cares, but it would be about special forces (who else), preferably the Green Berets (They don't get a lot of attention anymore =[).
It would be in a jungle, maybe the jungle north of vietnam, the neutral zone, can't remember what it's called right now (Cambodia, found it out much later) . But, some Green Berets would be sent in (This is a true story actually) and they're exit would be cut off, because their Huey would be shot down or something.
Their mission would be to find the Viet Cong forces and take them out, wherever they may be (Forts, camps, whatever).

Continued below...

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 2 months 2 days ago

Ive got a title:

Ghost Recon

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago

It would be heavily played online, it may have some single player I guess. But you can use your team mates to form human ladders, (This is a true tactic used by Green Berets), to reach high up places, such as getting over a wall, up to a tree branch, or maybe other things.
Since it is the 60's, there wouldnt be any head set communication, but a signal mirror, or bird noises, (Goofy But Actually used).
The view would be 3rd person, but close up to the right or left shoulder based on what hand you want your guy to use.


I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago

Thats cold WIZ, anyway

Since the Viet Cong used a multitude of booby traps, you would have the feat of dodging those. And you can set your own, claymore trip wires mostly (They are quick and effective).
As far as the level base goes, there's none, it's one huge jungle which can change from day to day. No GPS or radar either, pure map and compass like Megellan. Hand signals for communication maybe, with some text to help the people who don't know what a closed fist means.
Just use your imagination for a while, cause I'm tired of typing.

BTW, Ghost Recon really sucked hard until Ghost Recon 2 came out (But I still Bought Them =]), when they dropped the Green Berets and just called themselves Ghosts. Kinda makes me sick. But I do like that camera angle, thats where that came from. And GR2 was in Korea, fighting that funky Kim Jong Ill.

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago

BTW, Ghost Recon really sucked hard until Ghost Recon 2 came out

WHAT ?!?!? :eek:

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago

Well, yes, it did. Upon the release of the first Ghost Recon, they released like 3 more games called Island Thunder, Desert Siege, and Jungle Storm, they never implicated any new things, just levels. And then once they ripped you off they would just sell the games in packs for 30 dollars cheaper. When GR2 came out, it was pretty cool, they actually tried to make a game. May have been different on P.C but it really kicked for the other systems. GR2 saved it I think

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago

some of the features you came up with are pretty good and coudl go somewhere, but...

you obviously didnt do much research

there was no GR2 for PC only console and ive seen it played and well imo any tactical shooter on a console is crap never worth buying, so GR on PC is way better then any tactical shooter ever made for a console. WHy I say it will never be is there is no such thing as a tactial shooter for console as the word tactical is replaced with game helps and handicaps to help the player do stuff that he cant don on his own like on a PC.

you sound like you have some experience with the green berets, but not enough, one we will never get a game based on truth and if so it wont be acknowledged as all missions were classified probably still to this day. As much honor the army has shown them I dont think it wold be a good idea as a real experience would be boring to the average person do to how long the missions could take and what was done to keep their presence unknown.

Have you tried a game called veitcong? slightly old, but one of the first games if not the first to use iron sights

"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago

I actually did play that Viet Cong game, it was pretty good, but it was for X-box and it ran kinda funky, ya know, lag and such. I didn't know GR2 didn't come out for PC, I actually just started playing PC about 4 or 5 months ago.
But I do know the country mentions earlier, Cambodia. Often times, the VC would run there to hide from American forces, we got tired of this and sent in special forces that had no marks of identification. Of course, the Government will deny any and all involvement, after all, sending troops into neutral territory can make your military and country a mockery for years :laugh:

Unfortunately, I can't find a good picture of a human ladder initiation. If someone can, just post it. It's really cool to watch them do it, it only takes them like about 30 seconds to get over their objective.

Anyway, I may think of some more ideas for this, post your own if you like, and constructive criticism is always welcome.

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago

About the overall speed of the game Shield, it would have to be fast enough to keep someones attention. Not only would it be a heavily cooperative game, you would most like always have an enemy to deal with. A sniper hiding far off in a tree, and you have to flank his position maybe. Enemy patrol's along the footpath you can ambush.
And a very dangerous addition would be tunnels. Tunnels were vastly used by VC, and there were never any good ways to enter with that era's technology. It would be tight quarters, fast paced clearing, very cool if you see it through my eyes.

In addition to the booby traps, here are some names and descriptions:
Pungee Stake Pit: More or less a hole covered with grass, weeds, and sticks, if you fall in you're dead or wishing you were.
Pungee Bear Trap: A smaller version made to trap the foot of a soldier, often used to give the locations of the enemy, the screaming would give them away.
Swing Spike Trap: A often less used trap because of the time required to fit it together. Activated by trip wire, it will swing from concealment, trees and such, and impale the victim usually chest high.

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

Please don't mention the pungee traps...

The ladder idea is a good one and a old one.

Personally I don't like Jungle games, they all have sucky terrain imho of those I've played. None really make me feel like I'm in a jungle - at best maybe a forrest

MGS3:SE was ok in that you had to think before you acted, but while MGS2:SOL you had to find a way to evade or fight off group of tango's by making them come at you 1 by 1, in MGS3 you could just "Smash Pass" if you got compromized Sad

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago

Completely agreed spidey, I would want it to be a very realistic rindition of a rain forest. Actualy survival tactics, ya know, all realistic stuff. Simple things lke stamina, which you'd be familiar with since you played MGS3. Catching food really wouldn't be a problem as they came prepared with T-Rations and other things. A survival knife would be a must, and some "CQC" would be an awesome addition. Wink
But the Green Berets are highy efficient, like the SAS, Navy SEALS, Rangers, all of those. No lone wolf's really, just a squad of highly equipped soldiers killing tangos. Sorry to be so brutal with the traps, but realism is key

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

Completely agreed spidey, I would want it to be a very realistic rindition of a rain forest. Actualy survival tactics, ya know, all realistic stuff. Simple things lke stamina, which you'd be familiar with since you played MGS3. Catching food really wouldn't be a problem as they came prepared with T-Rations and other things. A survival knife would be a must, and some "CQC" would be an awesome addition. Wink
But the Green Berets are highy efficient, like the SAS, Navy SEALS, Rangers, all of those. No lone wolf's really, just a squad of highly equipped soldiers killing tangos. Sorry to be so brutal with the traps, but realism is key

Sorry but your game just fail flat on it's nose.

Getting a real team going 80+ % of games for the general mission to succeed will mean only clans will play, and not the avg gamer.

Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago

Oh, Langley, you poor misled creature.
Ghost Recon does NOT suck, as you put it so nicely.
Many on this server started with GR and still play it.
There is an older game called NAM. But I don't remember much about it.
I cannot wait for GRAW. Have my credit card ready and warmed up!!!!! :ninja:

SAS_VET_Centurion. And that is my $.02 Cdn. worth!!! Just because I am 51, does not mean I am old!