So a little information about myself would seem necessary:
To begin with, i'm a 18 year old male just graduating senior year of high school and going on to LTU for a bachelor's of architecture degree.
I've seen your site and servor and am greatly impressed. I've played in a clan known as STET that was very similiar in tactics and specialities and hope to be a good part of your team.
Welcome to the forums, catch ya on the servers ^_^
to bad you left right when i was about to join mate,but hope to see you around more often
Welcome to the Forums Andy ............Just remember RVS and TG 1 hope to see you there
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
yeah, welcome. The game is Rvs and the server is TG1
Hope to see you
Hello Andrew and welcome to the site.

Swat_Lukas Coop Generation Veteran
Welcome, hope to see you around.
hi and welcome. hope for some good games.
Hey Andrew!
Very nice to see you here
Many more good missions to come.
DUKE, Germany
Sorry, guys of TG#1 - I picked Andrew up on TG#3...
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Welcome and enjoy it....
Greetz Raider
thank you for all your kind welcomings, i'm hoping i can earn such great respect from your clan