This is my personal favorite activity, the HALO.
High Altitude Low Opening.
Start from about 30,000ft and then freefall for about 30mins then Open the chute at 2000ft.
Just for you Cara !
ignore the promo for the USAF.........just think British
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
i would love to jump out of a Hercules at 30,000ft
that's 1 of the things on my list i want to do before I'm 50.
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.
Oh Sniper, I'm soooooo jealous!! Even if you can't take me, I'm still going to do that one day!
Check this one out !
Something that every paratrooper goes through.
Fantastic feeling !
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Man that looks AWESOME!!!
Thats is some else right there!!!
Don't the Brits stop halfway down for Tea, before Deploying their Chutes???...hehe
tea and buiscits
Nah just have a quick drink before hand !
Tea is always before an operation start and always carry at least 50 teabags with me on operations.
The British Empire was built on Tea and never go to war without it.
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Before tea was brought to UK, they drank hot water with milk in it lol
It was Beer and Whiskey actually !
Made by Monks ..........Typical the church always looking for new ways to make life go by quicker. lol.
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
unlike the british with their Tea,
the Australian's know how to get the party started they always have a 6 pack "Beer" with them "an Australian tradition"
[SAS]_Vet_Ade Veteran (Vet) 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment.